Chapter 3

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Skye's P.O.V

"Wake up. Wake up."

The voice began to change to two voices I didn't recognize. My eyes shot open and I whipped my body into a standing position, ready for a fight. After so many years of martial arts and self defense courses, you tend to be ready at any moment. I realized that it was just a couple of first years and relaxed a bit.

"May I help you?" I said in my typical monotone

"Kyoya and Tamaki said that you agreed to come check out our club." the one said

"Did I?" I asked and thought back before realizing what happened "That bloody damned barbie bitch asked me when I was sleeping."

"Yeah anyway..." the other one said "Why were you crying in your sleep?"

I quickly wiped my eyes "I'll castrate you little boy." I glared at him "Just show me where I gotta go."

They walked me to the club room. When they opened the door, rose petals swarmed us. Now very irritated, I removed the petals from my hair.

"What the fuck is this bullshit?" I growled and pulled my lighter out of my pocket, setting the petals on fire, and dropping them into a cup of tea next to me

Suddenly a small blond boy, who looked to be in elementary school, ran up to me. I quickly let instincts take over and switched personas to a more child friendly one, the same one I used for babysitting jobs through freshman year. He jumped onto me to hug me and I supported him with my arms, carrying him so he wouldn't fall.

"Hey little guy." I said with my fake smile "What're you doing here?"

"I'm here with my cousin!" he chirped

"I'm sure they're worried about you," I said with a small giggle "Let's go fine them okay?"

"Yay!!" he cheered

I walked around and eventually I was tackle hugged by another elementary schooler. I carried him in my other arm and he rested his head on my chest.

"Hey buddy." I cooed "Are you here with anybody?"

"No." he said making sad puppy dog eyes "I'm all alone and it's so scary." he whined and buried his face into my chest

"Who would leave a poor little kid alone? Don't worry cutie, I'll stay with you so you don't have to be scared."

This kid is a bigger con than me I thought to myself. I walked around and finally found Kyoya.

"Kyo," I said "Have you seen this little guy's cousin?"

He looked down at the kids in my arms a bit shock at how nicely I was treating them but pushed it aside and pointed to a tall guy with black hair. I walked over to the boy and the blond tapped him on the shoulder for me, since I had no free hand.

"You should take better care of the kid." I said "A lot of things can go wrong when you leave elementary schoolers alone too long."

"I'm eighteen." the little blond boy interjected

I laughed and passed the kid to the boy "Yeah, and I'm an A cup."

"Definitely not A cups." the other elementary schooler chirped while squeezing my chest

"You're gonna go places by college little man." I laughed

I walked around and saw the twins from before embracing each other, their faces so close that they were practically kissing. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. I came face to face with the barbie from the library and he seemed to light up. He knelt to one knee and placed a kiss on my hand.

"I'm glad you could make it princess." he cooed

"Stop being creepy." I said and ripped my hand away from him

He ran over to his emo corner to sulk. Just as I was about to put the kid down and go home, my phone rang.

(A/N: it's Alex's grandfather so the conversation is in English)

"Hello?" I answered "Oh hey Papa. Is Nan with you?"

I waited a moment for him to put me on speaker. Nan said hi and I smiled into the phone.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said when they asked how I was. They then asked what I was doing. "Nothing important, just some stupid hook up club that I got myself dragged to."

I waited for them to respond

"Yep. Gotta stop signing myself up for things just to get people to let me nap." I laughed. Papa's response caused me to laugh a little harder "Promise." I giggled

I waited for his response

"Do I have to?" I whined slightly while still laughing. He said yes and I laughed "Fine, fine. I'll say it. I promise to break every bone in their body if someone tries to force themselves on me."

I could hear Nan laughing and even from the other side of the world, I knew Papa was giving me a proud smirk. He was infamous for it.

"Yeah I'll tell Alex you said hi." I said "Alright, bye guys."

I hung up and everyone was looking at me

"What?" I asked

"How are you so good at English? Can you tutor us?" a couple of the girls, that were flirting with the girl from Friday, asked

"Sure, whenever I have time." I said "And I've been living in America since I was nine so yeah, I have to be fluent in English."

"Who were you talking to?" the kid I was holding asked

"My homestay family." I said

>>>>>time skip<<<<<

I was introduced to all the members of the 'host club' including Shiro. He was apparently the 'Naughty' type. Mitsukuni, who actually turned out to be eighteen and I was told to call Honey, was the 'Boy-Lolita' type. Takashi, Honey's cousin who I was told to call Mori, was the 'Strong Silent' type. The twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, were the 'Little Devil' or 'Mischievous' type. Kyoya was the 'Cool' type. Tamaki was the 'Princely' type and Haruhi, who I was told I have to keep secret that she's a girl, was the 'Natural' type. Currently all the guests were gone and I was just hanging out with everyone at Kyoya's place.

"Kyoya," his sister Fuyumi called from the kitchen "Dinner's gonna be done soon so you and your friends should wash up

We washed up and walked to the dinner table.

"Oh," Fuyumi said, looking at Haru and I "I'm sorry but I don't think I ever got your names."

"I'm Haruhi Fujioka." Haru said

"Skye Night." I said

Suddenly I heard a loud thump from the other room and a man ran out while everyone else stared at me wide eyed.

"Did you say you were from the Night family?" he asked

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