Chapter 1

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(It's after school on her last day in her American school. Just a few character introductions and then the story. Also please take a moment of silence for Psycho's friend Jessie who is no longer here with us. R.I.P Jessie, you were a good man.
EDIT: nvm turns out he's not dead, just dead to her because he did some shit that's kinda messed up. I take back the 'you were a good man part'.)


Name: Skye

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Cup Size: DDD

Hair Color: (Dyed) Dark Purple, (Natural) Black || her hair is always dyed though

Eye Color: (contacts) Midnight Purple), (Natural) Dark Grey || always has contacts in instead of glassed on

Race: Japanese || born in Japan, moved to U.S. at age 9

Style: dependent on her mood but usually is either laid back/casual or punk/rock/emo/goth/etc., comfortable

Relationship with others: Theodosia- Friend || best friends, Aaron- Friend || best friends, Alex- Friend/Family || best friend and homestay brother

Family: no siblings, parents = dead, lives w/ Alex & his grandparents

Homestay Family: Alex & his grand parents

Notes: has depression/anxiety/self harm/etc., does free-writing/poetry/art in spare time/as a hobby, stays active, does all athletic sports well but excels the most in multiple forms of martial arts/self defense and track/volleyball, loves strategy required things (i.e. puzzles/chess/etc.), excels in all classes

(Sorry I don't have a reference picture for her and I couldn't make an accurate enough one)


Name: Alex

Age: 16

Sex: Male (lol I know he's a little bit of a trap)

Hair Color: (Dyed) Purplish Red, (Natural) Brown || his hair is always dyed though

Eye Color: Reddish Brown/Mahogany

Race: Canadian || born in Canada, moved to U.S. at age 6

Style: laid back/casual, comfortable

Relationship with Skye: Friend || like a brother to her, homestay brother
*Skye stayed with him and his grandparents while in America

Relationship with others: Theodosia- Friend || best friends, Aaron- Friend || best friends

Family: no siblings, parents = dead, lives w/ grandmother and grandfather || grandparents are retired & always home, good relationship w/ grandparents, homestay sister = Skye

Notes: knows about Skye's past and depression/anxiety/self harm/etc., does free-writing/poetry of his own or helps Skye w/ hers in spare time/as a hobby

, does free-writing/poetry of his own or helps Skye w/ hers in spare time/as a hobby

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