"A lot better actually."

"Maybe it was just a cold?"

I look away feeling a little guilty. "Yeah maybe."

"How's everything been?"

"Don't change the subject. Just tell me." I basically beg him to tell me.

"Eat first." He grabs the spoon from the bowl and starts feeding me soup. At first, I'm surprised but then I relax and let him feed me. While he feeds me, he tells me about his family. His older brother proposed to his boyfriend a couple days ago. He also tells me that his brothers and parents are coming here for Christmas.

"Okay the soup is gone. Can you tell me now?" I ask as I grab the empty soup bowl and stuff it in the bag to bring it to the kitchen to throw it away.

"Yes, I'll tell you now."

I get back in bed and look at Matt expectantly. "Okay, so I have a couple of things to tell you."


"Well I got a call from the judges from the contest."

I won! I won! "Yeah and...!"

"And your short story won!"

"Are you serious?" I know I was confident when I submitted it but I didn't think that I would actually win.

Matt nods his head with excitement. "I knew you would."

"I can't believe I actually won."

"I can, but the competition is going to get tougher now. Some of these writers have entered this contest 3 times already."

"Well that just means that we'll have to work even harder."

"Yeah it does." His smile broadens.

"So what else do you have to tell me?"

"That's not important right now. Let's just focus on the happy times."

"Oh no. Just say it."

"I never told my family that we broke up."

"Okay and how does that affect me?" I question but then I slowly realize. "You never told them, and now they still think we're together. That means that they'll probably want to meet me, but not the 16-year-old me. Oh God. What do we do?" I panic, looking at him for some type of answer. The look in his eyes makes me relax but also worries me. He has a plan.

"I have a plan. It will work but you have to agree to it."

"What's the plan?"

"We don't have to tell them that we broke up. We can make them believe that we're still together. You stay here a couple of nights then come for a bit on Christmas, and everything will work out." He really thinks this is a good idea.

"Or you can tell them that we broke up."

"Not going to work." He replies quickly.

"Think about this rationally. They would find out that we broke up and then it would be worse than if you just told them."

"This is no time to think rationally Kyle."

I can't help but laugh at his comment. "This is the perfect time to be rational Matt."

"It's only for a few days. Please Ky?"

"It's not going to work."

"Yes it will! It'll be fine. They won't even know."

"I'm not going to do it." I say with finality in my voice.

"I'll cook for you. Whatever you want. Just say it, and I'll cook it." He knows how much I love his food. "I'll even let you read some of my stuff."

How can I say no to that? "Fine. I'll do it."


"Yes. I want French toast and bacon for breakfast."

"Okay, I can do that."


"So when are Mommy and Daddy coming?"


"Great. I have to play meet the parents for an entire week! You should have mentioned that before."

"If I had, would you still have said yes?"

"Probably not."

"That's why I didn't say anything. I wanted you to agree."

"Well I did."

"Thank you."

"You can thank me with breakfast. I'm tired."

I get under the covers and move closer to him. His arm wraps around my body as my eyes drift shut. "Goodnight Kyle."

"Wait, can you turn off the light?"

He chuckles slightly to himself. "Yes."

His arm leaves me and the bed moves. After a few seconds the room get darker. The bed shifts again and his arms are once again around me. I almost forgot what it felt like being in his arms.

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