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Matthew stared into Mia's eyes, forgetting that he wasn't staring into a cloud filled sky. Her eyes were wide with surprise. Her mouth slightly gaped in an inaudible gasp.

They stared for only a minute, Matthew forgetting that they weren't the only people in the world.

"Matthew..." His mother said in the mindlink. Although he didn't want to, he looked at her. "Is she who you wanted to introduce me to?"

"Yes mama." He replied.

"I like her already." His mother said before closing the mindlink.

They both looked at her. His mother smiled.

"Mia...this is my son....Matthew Black."

Mia smiled warmly, making Matthew's heart beat faster.

"Hello Matthew." She said.

He said nothing. But he smiled. For some reason, he couldn't talk, he didn't want to. Her smile was contagious and silencing, just like her scent.

"Oh!" Mia said, her eyes growing. She looked at Matthew. "Did you see a black puppy run by?"

Matthew gulped.

"Mamma what do I say?!"

"Actually...." Mia said, walking up to him. She leaned into his face. "Your eyes...look like his eyes."

Both his mother and him tensed.

"Did you dye your eyes?" She asked innocently, placing a tiny finger on her chin, tilting her head.

Matthew and his mother looked at her, dumbstruck.

"W-What??" He asked.

"Did you dye your eyes?" She asked again, leaning into his face.


"Th-They're contacts." His mother said, coming to Matthew's rescue.

"Oh. Well they're very pretty."

"Th-Thank you." He said quietly.

"Sooo, what are you guys doing in these woods?"

"Nothing much." Melody said, shrugging her shoulders. "Mainly searching the area."

"Buh why?" Mia said cutely.

"To make sure no bad guys are around." Melody whispered slyly, leaning forward, placing a hand by her mouth.

"Can I come?!" Mia asked eagerly.

"I-I don't think that is a good idea baby girl."

"Why not?" Mia asked, tilting her head, her blue eyes wide and innocent.

"W-Well--" Melody stopped.

Matthew looked up at her to see her eyes slightly distant. Someone was mindlinking.

"We have to go baby." She said suddenly, her face becoming slightly serious.

"B-But I wanna come!" Mia said as Melody and Matthew turned.

"It's not safe baby, you should head home okay?"

".....I guess...." Mia muttered, looking to the side.

Melody smiled and nodded to Matthew. They began to walk into the woods, further into their territory. He turned back one last time to stare at her face. He chuckled.

Her tinted pink cheeks were puffed out in annoyance, her arms hugging her chests in a pout. He looked at her eyes. There was a mischievous glint inside them.

He shrugged and continued to walk. A while later, as they walked further into their territory, he gasped.

"Mama, why did you tell her that you were searching the area?!" He asked suddenly, finally realizing how dangerous that had been.

Melody shrugged.

"It was the first thing that popped into my mind." She said

"You could have given us away!"

Melody looked at her son.

"Don't worry, she's not stupid enough to follow us."

Suddenly, a large 'crack' erupted from behind them. They whipped around, growling. They gasped.

"Hehe.....hi......" Mia said sheepishly as she hung from a tree branch.

They stared at her, shocked and dumbstruck.

"M-Mia!?" Melody said walking towards her, reaching up her arms. "W-What are you doing here?!"

"I wanted to come."

"How much did you here?" Matthew asked as she was carried down from the branch.

Mia beamed.

"All of it!" She turned to Melody, who had a hint of regret on her face. Mia smiled kindly. "Don't worry Melody, I don't mind."

Melody smiled weakly, then suddenly became serious.

"Mia, you can't come...and I mean it."

Mia looked at her, her eyes becoming stubborn.

"I wanna come! I'm reaaally curious!"

"Mia you are not coming!"

"Yes I am!!"

"No you are not!" Melody said, her authoritative voice growing.

Matthew looked from his mother to Mia, skeptical and slightly scared. Even though she wasn't talking to him, her Alpha Female voice still scared him. He looked to Mia, wondering if she felt the same fear. His eyes grew wide with shock.

Mia stood strong and unwavered, her blue eyes stared at his mother bravely and her chest was puffed out in stubbornness. She looked into his mother's eyes and opened her mouth.

"No." She said simply.

Matthew looked at his mother. Her eyes were wide at the bravery the young girl contained inside her small body, and the ability to stare her right in the eyes and speak her own mind. Melody smiled and looked down at her, pride and admiration sparking in her eyes.

"Very well." She said. "You may come."

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