"Who's body were you supposed to inhibit?" I asked.

The one who summoned me, of course. He promised me that once he used me for what he wanted, then I would be free.

"And who might that be?"

The darkness was silent.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Tell me who it is."

He is of fire and lightning. An Argent Eye, like yourself. One who knows no bounds and will do whatever it takes to form his new world.

"What in the shit?" I said out loud.

I do not understand your question, the darkness said.

I just chuckled. "So let me get this straight. You made a deal with this dude, who was going to let you inhibit him to create this new world and then set you free afterwards?"


"And you believed him?"

I could almost sense the shock coming from this mass of darkness.

What do you mean, child?

I laughed. "Seriously? You think this guy is going to inherit this incredible power and then just give it up? That would never happen. I've experienced the way you make me feel, and anyone who struck a deal with darkness would have no intentions of giving it back. I'm sorry to say that you've been conned."

How do you know this? The darkness questioned.

"I've seen many movies in my time, and I've also had nineteen years living with humanity. Once someone with those kind of ambitions gets a hold of power, they will not wanna give it up, let me tell you."

Hmmm... the darkness seemed to be thinking about this.

"Now you're stuck in this body, which isn't letting you take control. You're trapped."

I've escaped before, it said.

"Yeah, and every time you do, I'm finding it easier to shove you away. Eventually, you'll never get out." I mean, I wasn't totally sure on this, but I needed to get this stuff on my side.

What are you proposing?

"Well." I began. "This is where I need your help. I have no idea how to get you out of my body."

You can't. The darkness said this quite quickly, so much so I didn't really believe it. For something so ancient and powerful, I realised the darkness wasn't the best when it came to lying. I guessed it hadn't had much social interaction in its time.

"Look, if you don't help me, you're gonna be stuck inside me forever. If you help, then you can go back to how things used to be, which has gotta be better than this." I motioned to my body. "And I'll tell you what. If you agree to help me, we can work together and you can get your revenge on this fire and lightning guy before finally being released."

How can I trust you? It asked.

"Well, you can't really. But, you've been stuck inside my body for a while now and I don't really want you there. So you haven't really got anything to lose."

I swear I almost heard it sigh. What are the terms of our deal?

"I'm glad you asked." I said. "Firstly, you cannot under any circumstances, decide when you show yourself. None of this taking over my body shit. You come out on my accord only. Understood?"

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