Ch. 7 News

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*Gerard's POV*
{The day after Chloe got kidnapped}
Being the good farther I am, I decided to go visit Chloe.

When I got to her apartment, she didn't answer the door, but it was unlocked. I walked in.

"Chloe?" No response. I walked over to the kitchen and saw a note. It read.

Mr Way, or anyone reading this,
I'm just letting you know that your daughter is no longer living here, she is now with me. From the beginning she was mine then you took her away from me, so now I got her back.
- him

I froze. I called the cops then Mikey.

*Tyler's POV*
{Current time}

I was sitting on the couch, next to Chloe.
Even though she had bags under her eyes and look sad and depressed, she still looked beautiful.

I switched on the TV and the news was on.

"A young girl named Chloe Way was kidnapped approximately 3 days ago when her farther went to visit her but was no where to be found. She has long brown hair and is 18 years old. If you see her or any signs of her, call the police immediately" The news reporter said.

It was silent, until I spoke up.
"At least they still think you look like the old Chloe Way, am I right?" I laughed.

Back For Revenge {Sequel To Adopted By Gerard Way}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat