Chapter 11

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Taylor's Pov

I know I'v known Faith for a year or so but you can't blame me I knew all her secrets in love, friendship, but not family. It's not my business. If she wants to tell me then I'll listen but if she don't want to talk about it I understand.

As we walk together towards the school from our cars many students started staring, I mean who wouldn't? We're like a famous squad in the world. Though just in the industry of Modelling and etc.

Well Slemish is pretty damn good but is all the people here same as LA? I mean I am just being curious I don't want any dramas I want exciting and thrilling stuff.

"Taylor!" Someone yelled behind me as I keep walking down the corridor. I didn't even noticed they're all gone.

When I turn around I saw Jordan. Running towards me with a look of cheshire cat smile. This guy has been staring at me in somebfew cases I didn't mind though, I actually like it. It gives me butterflies in my chest for some reasons

"What's up Jordan?" I asked trying not to flirt too much.

"Nothing much, what are you doing here alone?" He asked curiously as he looked around us. Yeah, what am I doing here alone? I asked myself. Ugh, I'm crazy.

"Nothing. Gage, Gabb, Gregg, Harry, Tyler are together but Christine is with James I guess" I said not really knowing where my best friend is. I mean she used to go here so I guess she should be alright, I hope.

"Can you tell me about her brothers? They seem so over protective to her" He questioned and I just laugh slightly. Aw, they really don't have a clue don't they?

"Brother instincts of course" I answered simply but he just stared at me blankly. Is he actually expecting me to explain everything. It is really not my business to tell.

"Well, they really seem so close, and they're even sleeping together" He added and I nodded. Wait, just in case you got the message wrong sleeping in the same room not together like s*x you know? Ugh, I really need to clean off my mind and stop talking to myself.

"Well Gage kind of doesn't like taking off an eye to her because you know he is her brother and yeah" I said as I'm getting tired explaining. I didn't even ... Ugh!

"You know what?" He started and stared me. What is this guy up to?

"What?" I mocked, I am getting bored for real.

"I'm starting to get suspicious to that 3G brothers" He said and I looked at him dumbfounded. What did he just said?

"Whose '3G Brothers' ?" I questioned. And he looks at me like Inma noob person. I mean I can be noob sometime, I'm not perfect that's why.

"Gregg, Gab and Gage"He answered simply and I bursted laughing. How come I didn't get it? Stupid of me.

I'm gonna tease someone late-.

"Ahhh!" Someone screamed and that's when I saw Tyler fell from second floor.

"Tyler!" I yelled in shock. Oh my goodness, what did I just saw? Am I having a nightmare. I can feel I stood there frozen for a moment.

"What happened to you?" I asked worriedly and tears started forming at edge of my eyes. What is happenin'?

"Someone pushed me from second floor, so here I am. I think I got broken bones" He complained before passing out. Now he's unconcious that's when I started trembling.

"I c-can see" I answered and his head started bleeding. Is he going to die now? What the, he can't die yet. Not just yet. I'm curious about the person who pushed him and cause him to fell over. What is his motive? What is his reason for this?

I dialed 911 but it says it's only in America so I tried 999.

"What emergency can I help you with?" An Irish accent boomed over the phone with a very girly voice asked.

"My brother fell off from the second floor of Slemish Academy. His head is now bleeding and he got deep bruises and cuts and I think broken bones also and his unconcious" I explained in fear and I heard muffling shits or what ever from the background.

"OK, miss what's your name? And Ambulance is on their way" She said sweetly but with seriousness. I can tell she doesn't want me to panicked than I already am.

"Thanks, My name is Taylor Walter" I answered politely and then she said OK and hanged up.

I dialed Gregg's number.

"Hey Taylor, why you calling?" He asked curiously.

"Tyler fell off from the second floor, better come here now. Bring the others with you" I said eagerly and hung-up.

"Hang on there Tyler Ambulance is coming ... Who ever did this to you they're going to pay for it" I said as I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

Wait a minute where the hell on earth is Jordan by the way?

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