Chapter 1

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You can listen to the song I put just over there. "Steal my girl" by One Direction :)

- AUTHOR (Christine)

Christine's Pov (The Nerd)

"Honey wake up, you have school today" Mum said sweetly as she shake me gently.

Before we start to explore my stupid-life. I am Christine Faith Smith. 15 years old. Nothing is exciting nor beautiful to me or about me.

I am currently living in Northern Ireland with my Mum and Step-Dad. I am half American and British as you know.

"Do I have to?" I asked Mum sleepily.

I wonder why my alarm clock didn't make a noise at all?

"Yes honey, now up before you get late" She said and started tickling me.

"M-Mum .... S...Stop! OK! I'm up now!" I screamed as my step-dad Redrick entered the room and joined Mum to tickle me.

They both stopped and hugged me, I feel like there's something wrong. They're not usually like this and its odd.

"Mum, Redrick? What's the matter?" I asked worriedly and tears started to form at the corner of Mum's eyes.

"We'll tell you later when you g-get home" Redrick stuttered and I nodded.

I ran into the bathroom and do the girl's routine but in different way. By the way I have braces.

As you know I am the nerd of the school, hotties against me. I always get bullied everyday without my dear parents knowing. Hopefully not.

I am now wearing my jeans, rubber shoes, t-shirt and big black glasses. Sounds nerd right? Coz' that's I am.

After I'm done eating my breakfast, I hopped into my Mum's Car. I am not yet allowed to drive since I am just 15 I need to be 16 which is in a few months before I get my license.

The ride was very quite none of us said anything. I didn't even notice that we already arrived at the school's gate.

I walk down the corridor to my locker hoping my bullie-.

"Guess what we have here?" Celine said along with the cheerleader group. And the Football team which wer the hotties belong.

Did I tell you that even I get bullied by this Sluts, Whore and Jock-Ass I manage to let myself fall in-loved with one of the hottest player which was Jack Harrison the football star of the school.

I am now crowded by the evil-sluts-whore-jock-ass people. That didn't surprised me at all.

"Want to have some fun, do we?" Celine asked in evil tone. She turn around to her pets and motioned them.

They grab my hair, break my glasses, spill my things, spill their drinks on my head. Kick my side and even punch me. And then do it again and again. This people don't really have mercy on other people.

I just stood there and feel numb like my body is actually used to this kind of abuse. I think ever since they started beating me up I'm starting not to feel their touch at all.

"Hey! Stop that!" Someone yelled, we all turn around to see who it was.

Second boy-popular of the school James Henry who is the Basketball Star Player of the School.

"Why? James? Protecting this nerdy nerd?" Celine asked irritated.

"Yes, do you have a problem with that? So now go away before I loose control" James warned the cheerleader and football group.

He came into me but before I can thank him, blackness wrapped my vision.


I woke up with a bad headache and body ache. As usual.

I realized I am not at home I am in the Clinic of the School.

"Oh! Christine you're awake, how are you feeling?" The Nurse asked. For your information he is a boy. And ...... Hhhhhhhhhoooot.

"P-Pain" I answered with a crack voice.

He is too young to be a nurse, the last time I was here and it was yesterday the Nurse was girl and a lil' bit old and I think she is around her 30's.

"Ehrm.. if you don't mind me asking where is Nurse Shane?" I asked curiously and then he give me a wide smile. Charming eh?

"She got a newbjob in St. Martina Hospital as a Doctor, I am her son" He explained. It does make sense now.

"Anyways, James brought you here earlier. What happened?" He asked worriedly.

"Got bullied by cheerleaders and football jocks. As always." I answered, I never tell Nurse Shane about what's happening to me but now I did tell this one and it's her freaking son.

"Why do you let them bully you?" He asked then sat beside me.

"I can't s-stand up for myself. I am just too weak I guess" I whispered and that's when he hugged me. What the hell? Tell me I'm not dreaming.

"Well then, I will" He said and I smiled I feel safe in his arms but wait- he is a nurse and I am a student.

"Isn't that awkward? You're going to protect me but you are a Nurse?" I asked quitely.

I know its odd of me to just let him protect but I guess I could get a little help instead of keeping everything to myself.

"Nope" He answered popping the 'p'.

"Why's that?"

"Because I will be a student here by tomorrow. My Dad is the owner of the school and to let you know. I am just 15" He explained and I smiled. That didn't surprise me, so his look actually make sense now.

"Oh, you're awake now" James said as he enter the Clinic. And then Nurse pulled away.

"Yeah" I whispered quietly.

There was an awkward silence between the three of us for a moment. Well?

"Well I got to go in my class I guess" I said and I tried to stand up but I failed.

The Nurse and James rush by my side and asked me if I'm alright. Woah, is this actually happening? Shit my teenage hormones are so overwhelming at the moment.

"You can't go back to class yet" the Nurse said and I sighed.

"Maybe I can help her" James volunteered.

"I said no, can't you see she is still injured?" Nurse said sternly and I flinched back.

"Well, I'm going to my class now Chrissy. Get well soon OK? Here's my number. Text or Call me if you need a help or something" James said and handed me his number and kissed my forehead and cheek before walking out.

I sat there frozen.

"I am Jordan Frame by the way" Nurse said and I smiled.

"Oh, I'm Christine Faith Smith" I said and he narrowed his eyebrows..

"Half American right? Coz' you got American surname" He asked and I laugh slightly.

"Yeah, My Dad is American and he is in America with his new wife right now and my Mum is British and I'm currently by her side with my Step-Dad" I said, I realized I hadn't talk to anyone about my life. And for the record he only asked one question and I started blabbering. What is actually wrong with me?

By that we talk and talk and we didn't even notice that the School is now over.

'What a long day' I thought to myself. Well, I'm going home now.

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