Chapter 3

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James's Pov

Jordan and I are currently at the back of the school, he told me Christine was going to tell us something very important.

-- 10 minutes later --

Finally! Christine showed up with nothing but her phone.

"Where's your bag?" Jordan and I asked at the same time.

She look down sadly,without evwn glancing to us.

"What?" Jordan asked I can feel he is shock like me.

"I said I'm leaving, I-I'm going to l-live with my Dad an-and Step-Mum in L.A." She said sadly.

"Why then When?" I asked fighting back my tears.

"Because it's for my good and I like my Dad so well I'm leaving tonight" She said in burst in tears.

"I know we've only met yesterday but you guys made me feel like I've known you for so long. So that's why I can't help but feelbsad by the thought of I'm leaving you all behind" Chrissy said and she let out a forced smile.

We both hugged her then. I feel like I've known her for ages too. I guess that is the true friendship then.

It doesn't matter how long you've know each other, what matter is the memories you made.

"It's OK, j-just please keep on touch with us OK?" Jordan said and hugged her tightly. And she gave us a nod.

"Do you want us to come with you later tonight?" I asked hopefully.

"How about we both ditch classes today and hang-out with her before she go?" Jordan suggested and I didn't even hesistate so I agreed with him.

"Are you sure guys?" She asked and we both nodded.

"OK, then let's go!" I cheered.


Hanging out with her was the best time of my life.

It's just 5pm so we still have 3 hours before her flight.

"What are we going to do now?" Jordan asked while sitting on the bench.

"How about Zoo then Park?" I suggested.And Chrissy's eyes sparkled.

"No James, how about movies?" Jordan suggested he looks at me in disgust so I shot him back a death glare.

Keep your temper James Henry.

"How about Zoo first then Movies then Park? Then get my things from my house then straight to the airport?" Christine said, I know she can feel the tense between Jordan freak and I.

And then we just both agreed.

"Look! Snake!" Christine said jumping up and down.

I read a sign.

"Free to hold the snake and picture"

Christine grinned at me and Jordan with a smirk on her face.

"Oh no this is no good" I said to Jordan.


"You say that" Jordan said agreeing with me.

"Oh c'mon guys this is the last time were going to hangout so please enjoy the moment!" She begged with pleading bright big blue eyes. Damn it, how can we resist that?

"OK fine! But if that snake killed me I will never ever going to forgive you" I said childishly but I am actually serious.

"And I will never ever going to talk to you wait- if that snake killed me I can't talk to you anyways" Jordan said dumbly and we all laughed.

"Man up. Boys" She said cutely.

We were currently surrounded by lots of snakes. Jordan and I just stood there frozen while Christine is playing and cooing with the snake. How on earth can she manage to coo on a snake that is bigger than our arms?

"Aw, look how cute this Little snakey snake" She coed down to a big anaconda.

'What the hell? That is not fucking baby ita fucking momma snake' I thought to myself.

How can she coed them?

"That's not a baby miss that is the biggest snake here" The boy said whose taking us a picture.

"H-How can you touch that?" I stuttered and trying not to faint.

"How can she stand to this kind of animals?" Jordan whisper asked me.

The photographer hand us the picture.

The first one was - She is smiling at the camera with lots of snakes above her head, Jordan stood their emotionless while me look scared. I look gay.

The second once was - We are all smiling at the camera.

The last once was - She is patting the anaconda, while Me and Jordan staring at her with wide eyes. We look awful there by the way.

"Cute" She whispered and we all nodedd in agreement.

After the zoo, we all went to the cinemas and just decided to watch Pitch Perfect. We can't complain by her choices so instead of mourning over nothing we just went along with her trip or something. That's the least that we can do.

"That Stacie girl is my cousin, I think she is currently in California" Christine said and Jordan stared at her in wide eyed gaze.

"You mean the hottest girl among the rest of the Pitch Perfect main characters??" Jordan asked in disbelief.

"Yep" She answered popping the 'p' like a kid.

"You mean the girl who got nice boobs? Then she said, she already had lots of sex?" I asked.

"YES. BIG YES." She said seriously.

We all sat at the park bench eating ice cream.

And then head to her house. Well, that was quick. I guess times flew by when you enjoy the moment.

A Big Change (Short Story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz