Chapter 29: Graduation Day

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(Rena's POV)

It was a hot, sunny day in June. The sixth day of June, to be exact. The intense heat was blaring, and a gentle breeze drifted through the air, brushing my long, dark hair past my face. I stood calmly on the edge of the pier in Ascension Square, staring out at the relaxed ocean waters that were shining as clear as the bright blue sky.

Everyone was inside spending time with their families, having a blast before the ceremony got started.

...except for me.

I'm out here all alone, simply because I can't go back inside. If I do, Ms. April will find me, and she will give me my Ranger Base assignment. I don't want to know where I've been assigned to, because it's just one more thing I will have to grieve the loss of when this is all over.

Today was the day. Technically, it was the last grifting day of the job. I no longer have to pretend to be someone I'm not, because I've already got Keith, the mark, wrapped around my finger. Even though I wish I didn't...

I hate this. I hate everything about it. I was only in it for the money at first, but now? All I care about is getting out of this alive and trying to save Keith and the others.

Ice is one sick bastard. I thought we were friends... I wish I could tell myself that I can't believe he would do something so horrible and betray me like this, but then I would just be lying to myself.

I should have saw it coming. I honestly feel so stupid for not even considering it... The boss has been trying to get these blueprints from Keith's father for three years now, so I should have known he's really determined to get them back. And that he really will do anything to get his hands on them. That much has been proven to me as of late.

Who are these people? What exactly are on those blueprints I'm supposed to steal? I... I've always told myself to not ask questions and just do it, but now? I'm starting to think I was lied to... Maybe the boss really was just some hell of an actor after all.

I don't want to do this anymore.

I should've seen it coming.

And yet, I distracted myself from the obvious threat lying in plain sight by doing the one thing I promised myself I would never do: fall in love.

But, I have to do this. And not for myself...for them. For him.

I hate this. I hate everything about it.

Today, two days after prom, was graduation. Yes, I was graduating today. In two weeks, I'm supposed to report to the Ranger Base of Lamont's choice and get ready to be a real Ranger. Keith is thrilled, finally ready to take action and become the man he's always wanted to be.

But me? I'm just mourning the loss of the life I could have had with him.

I laughed out loud to myself cynically, covering my face with my hand. "Oh, the irony..."

What's so funny about it is that I would actually like to go to my Ranger Base and be a real Ranger. Let's face it, my thieving days are over. All it's done is get the people I love hurt.

This is my last job.

...although, after the stunt I'm about to pull with Keith, I'll never be able to be a Ranger now. I'll be on the run for the rest of my life if I get lucky.

I'm sorry, father, but I don't want to be Raux for you anymore...

Sometimes I wonder if my parents hadn't abandoned me when I was a baby and I was raised normally, would I have had a normal life? Would I have wanted to become a Pokemon Ranger eventually? Would I have stumbled upon Almia's Ranger School, and maybe meet Keith on my own? And maybe, just maybe...we could have been together for real?

To Steal the Heart of a Thief {Pokemon Ranger Fanfiction} (Pokemon Watty Awards 2015)Where stories live. Discover now