Chapter 6: Visitation Day

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(Rena's POV)

I layed on my bed cuddling Mightyena, and Rhythimi sat at her desk across the room. Eevee was sitting on her head, watching Rhythimi write a letter. For once, he was actually awake! It was a rainy Sunday, so everyone pretty much was staying inside. I was feeling anxious, hoping this rain wouldn't escalate into a thunder storm.

"What are you doing?" I asked Rhythimi, sitting up in my bed a little. Mightyena flashed me an annoyed look because I moved. "What a spoiled little brat." I thought to myself with a laugh, ruffling the fur on his head.

"Oh!" Rhythimi beamed at me, jumping up from her desk and sitting down next to me on my bed. "I'm writing a letter to my sister, Stacey! She's thirteen, and she's coming to Ranger School next year!" Rhythimi grinned, clearly proud of her little sister. "She's going to be a Mechanic, just like Dad. I miss her so much... She's back in Floaroma Town. That's in Sinnoh." Rhythimi explained, continuing to write her letter on the clipboard.

I just gave her the 'are you stupid?' look. "But isn't today visitation day...?" I asked her, laughing a little.

Rhythimi dropped her clipboard and sweatdropped. "Oh yeah... Whoops! I bet they're here already!" She yelled excitedly, jumping up and dashing out the door with Eevee right behind her. "See yah later, Rena!"

I just laughed and shook my head, closing the door behind the blonde.

Visitation day is a day we have once every other month for families to come visit us students, since this is a boarding school. I know that she was looking forward to today for weeks, and she completely forgot! What a scatter brain...

I think I'm starting to like Rhythimi, and I need to be careful. I have to leave these people in the end. Remember that, Rena. It's just another job. What makes this one any different from all your other jobs? Nothing. Nothing at all.


Someone knocked on the door right as I sat back down on my bed. It's probably just Rhythimi coming back because she forgot her phone or something. I just shrugged and skipped over to the door, opening it. You wouldn't believe my surprise to see that Janice, our caretaker, was there.

"Janice...?" I blinked back my surprise, not expecting to see her today.

"Hello, Rena!" She smiled at me. "I'm sorry to inform you that we ran out of spare classrooms to use for visitation day, so you and your brother will just have to catch up with each other in here." She apologized, and I just dropped my jaw.

"" I shot her the weirdest look ever, startling Janice just a little bit.

"Yes...your brother is here to see you for visitation day, remember?" She asked warily, starting to get suspicious.

What the hell is she talking about!?

"Oh! Of course!" I lied, flashing her a sheepish grin. "Send him on up!" I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Oh...okay!" Janice shrugged, turning to face someone beside her. "Go on in, Mr. Deveraux!" She led a guy in his early twenties into my room, then left us be.

He looked to be nineteen, maybe twenty. Or maybe he's twenty two and just looks young? Oh who knows. He had icy blue eyes Blue hair. That's a new one. He wore a white and blue patterned coat and blue pants. He was dressed very warm, which I found a little odd, given the season. Looking into his icy blue eyes I could see years of experience hidden behind the soul that lied within.

He shut the door behind Janice, stepping inside.

"Wait a minute..." I shot him a skeptical look, and he started to smirk. "...Ice!?" I gaped at him, shocked to see him here.

To Steal the Heart of a Thief {Pokemon Ranger Fanfiction} (Pokemon Watty Awards 2015)Where stories live. Discover now