Chapter 3: This Should Be Interesting

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(Rena's POV)

"Well?" Keith asked me again with a quick roll of his eyes, a little more impatient than the last time. He wanted to know how long it took me to capture the Pikachu for the entrance exam.

I just smirked arrogantly from ear to ear, putting on a show for the whole class who had chosen to surround us in a circle. "Three seconds flat." I bragged about my great score, radiating pride and pure joy.

Keith seemed a little shocked at first, then grinned. He appeared to be pleased with my answer. "Looks like I have some competition, rival." He challenged me, leaning in and nearly closing the distance between us.

"AHEM!" Rhythimi rudely cleared her throat, stepping in-between us. "Keith, stop flirting with Rena! You've literally known her all of five minutes!" Rhythimi scolded, whacking him upside the head.

While I caught a glimpse of Rhythimi pummeling Keith for being a flirty pervert, I started to pay more attention to my surroundings. Keith, Rhythimi, and I were all in the center of a circle of classmates, who were very much enjoying the eccentric and violent display going on between the blonde and red-head. The file wasn't kidding about Keith being a flirty pervert... This should be interesting. And I have to flirt back...ew.

Keith's face contorted into a pained look from all of the hits he was taking. "Okay, okay! I'll tone it down a notch!" Keith grabbed Rhythimi's wrists, preventing her from punching him again.

Rhythimi jerked her wrists out of his strong grasp. "Humph! Fine! I'll hold you to that promise, idiot!" She huffed, then walked over to me. "Come on, Rena. I'll give you that tour now." She smiled as if nothing crazy just happened, looping her arm around mine.

"I may as well come too, since I have nothing better to do." Keith scoffed, trying to come up with some excuse to stick close to me.

Hah, I've already got him wrapped around my finger. This is going to be the easiest one billion earned yet. And once I get my payment, then maybe... I'll be able to keep that promise after all. With or without him.

"Urrgh, fine... But I wanted to spend some time with my new roommate!" Rhythimi whined, making her dramatic exit out of the classroom.

"You're Rhyth's new roommate?" Keith raised an eyebrow at me, and I nodded my head. Keith just scoffed. "Hah! Good luck. You'll need it..."

I just rolled my eyes. "You don't know me all that well yet, but believe me when I say this." I leaned in closer to his ear and whispered my next sentence. "I'm far more crazier than Rhythimi will ever be."

Keith laughed. "Somehow I don't doubt that." I punched him in the arm, and he mumbled "well I'm certainly looking forward to seeing that crazy side of you," under his breath, but I heard it.

I just smiled for a split second, walking out of the classroom with Keith following close behind.

Don't let him charm you. He's the mark, and you're the grifting thief. You're not permitted to think of him as anything else. That's like a universal rule.

All of a sudden, I felt someone roughly grab a hold of my arm. No words can describe how shocked I was to see Keith's face only mere inches away from mine as he pinned me up against the wall.

"Oh yeah, and one more thing." Keith traced his eyes from the floor and up to my face. He stared longingly into my crystal-blue eyes as if he was searching for something. "Try not to fall for me, okay? I know it's pretty hard for girls not to." His cocky smirk burned into the back of my eyes, brimming with overwhelming arrogance.

To Steal the Heart of a Thief {Pokemon Ranger Fanfiction} (Pokemon Watty Awards 2015)Where stories live. Discover now