Chapter 42: DTD

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Me and Yami heard laughter between the baby, Amara, and Stitch up ahead. They came into the living room again to see them having fun together. And my little Kiyoko was sitting upright. She was so tiny still but it has been a couple of months of growth. I decided to sit next to her.

"Hey Kiyo!" She looked at me and smiled.

"All done! Amara, bring Kiyoko in here!" Serah called from another room. She did and she came right back.

"By the way, where's Sora? It's very rare I see you far from him." Me and Yami explained what happened and GranGran became worried. "Maybe they're back..." I decided to take Kiyoko and Amara with me since I had barely been with them, not that it could be helped. Yami decided to follow. We walked back to the postern and I surprised to not see any Heartless attacking us. Thank goodness, though. We'd be somewhat vulnerable. We made my way back into the study to see Sora.

"Sora!" I tackled him into a hug, but was careful not to hurt Kiyoko. "You're back!" I said, overjoyed. Kiyoko giggled and reached out to grab Sora.

"Hey, girl!" Sora grasped her tiny hand.

'Uncy!' I giggled at this and I let Sora hold on to her for a bit. Amara hugged his leg.

"Got you, Uncle Sora!" She grinned.

"Uncle?" He asked and looked at me.

"Yep! Once we find Riku, she's ours, and I've already vowed to protect her." Kiyoko tugged on one of his spikes.

'Soft!' Sora winced a little but still laughed and smiled.

"What happened?" Yami asked

"Well, we got zapped into Ansem's computer, but Tron helped us escape." Sora said, explaining who Tron was and what he needed from them was to find the password to the DTD, which made me worry. I noticed that the portrait of Xehanort had been taken down and the there was some writing. I walked over to it and cocked my head.

"What's all this writing?" I asked.

"Hollow... Main... Security... Tron... Door to..." Donald read out.

"Looks like some kind of diagram of somethin'." Goofy said.

"" Donald asked, sounding out the words.

"Oh! D- T- D!" Sora said.

"DTD!" we all said.

"What's up?" Leon asked.

"I think we may have found the dataspace. The DTD is short for the Door To Darkness." I said.

"What do you know... But... that still leaves the password." Leon said.

"Say, fellas, did somebody mention the Door To Darkness?" a voice asked. That voice! I knew it anywhere. We all turned to see Mickey standing in the doorway.

"King Mickey!" me and Yami exclaimed.

"Your Majesty!" the others exclaimed. He put a finger to his lips, signaling us to keep it down. He looked down the hallway and then pushed the door to the study closed. As he removed his hood, Donald tackled him into a hug. Goofy then picked both of them up into a group hug.

"Long time no see!" I said.

"Shh! The Organization might be listening." Mickey said. I covered my mouth. Goofy put him and Donald down and Mickey gently pushed Donald off him. He looked around and then back at Sora. "You mentioned the Door To Darkness?"

"Yes. Apparently, the DTD needs a special password to be accessed." Yami said.

"Password? Oh, I guess you mean like a code. Well, the Door To Darkness can only be opened by the 7 princesses. There's Snow White, Jasmine and Belle..." Mickey explained. Their names! Their names are the password.

"Now we can access Ansem's research data." Sora said.

"So that means you can find out where he is!" Mickey said. Huh? That's when I realized he meant Grandpa!

"Stop jokin' around, Your Majesty. We already defeated Ansem. You know that." Sora said. Poor Sora. He doesn't realize it was a fake they beat.

"Looks like I've got a lot of explainin' to do." Mickey said.

"We're listening, Your Majesty!" Donald said.

"Okay... but first, I've got a question..." Sora said.

"Hey, isn't Tron waiting for you guys?" Leon said. We shot a look at Mickey.

"Don't worry. I'm not goin' anywhere. If those Heartless attack I'll stand and fight with everybody here." Mickey said. Sora handed me my baby girl and I handed her to Yami.

"I'm going with you guys. I want to help Tron." I said. We walked into the computer room and Sora pressed a button. Like before, a bright light came from the transporter and zapped us into Tron's world. I looked around and noticed how different we all looked.

"I wonder where Tron is..." Goofy said. I noticed Goofy was looking at a terminal.

"Don't touch that!" Donald yelled. Suddenly, the 4 of us were transported somewhere else. We came to some kind of grid.

"I didn't touch nothin'!" Goofy exclaimed.

"Welcome to the game grid." a voice said.

"Game grid?" Sora asked.

"That's right, you've be chosen to play a few games. Lose, and you'll be subjected to immediate de-resolution. Win? Well, no one wins." the voice said.

"We're not gonna play your games!" Donald exclaimed.

"You have no choice." the voice said.

"Fine! Get on with it!" I said. Both me and Sora had to get on some kind of motorcycle and go through some kind maze while fighting off Heartless. It seemed hopeless when a larger Heartless shot a beam and broke a hole in the wall. Donald and Goofy through while me and Sora sped to it and escaped. We came back to the room we had been in before. That's when I saw someone laying on the ground.

"Tron!" Sora exclaimed. Tron slowly stood up, but staggered.

"I don't understand. Why are you here?" Tron asked.

"We came to give you the password!" Sora said.

"Why didn't you just transmit the data?" Tron asked.

"Transmit?" I asked. Tron started falling forward, but me and Sora caught him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sora asked.

"I'll be all right... once we access the DTD." We hurried to the terminal to access the DTD. "All right, what's the password?" Tron asked.

"Well... Belle, Snow White..." Donald said.

"Aurora, Alice..." Goofy said.

"Jasmine, Cinderella..." I said. Then we looked at Sora for the last name, which was Kairi's.

"Kairi." Sora said. Tron entered the 7 names and accessed the DTD. He placed his hand on a panel and he looked better.

"I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored!" Tron said. That's when some kind of alarm went off. A beam suddenly shot from above and nearly hit us. That's when a voice, a creepier one than the one before, began talking. It was the MCP.

"Finally. I have full access to the DTD. My takeover of the system is now complete. I might have anticipated such a simple password. What's this? An emergency destruct program for the town. Let's see how it performs." What? No! Tron slammed his hand back on the panel and typed something. "Program! You changed the password!"

"That should buy us some time." Tron said.

"Tron, tell us what's going on!" Sora said.

"The MCP's loading a hostile program into the I/O tower." Tron explained.

"What do we do?" Donald asked.

"We've got to protect the User town." User town? He must mean Hollow Bastion. "Let's head to the tower!" Tron said.

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