Chapter 31: Prison For The Heart

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Piri's POV

I groaned and opened my eyes. I went to rubbed my forehead when I noticed my bracelets were gone! I gasped and sat up. I felt my forehead as I felt kinda sick. Then I noticed I was in a cell. I don't even remember what happened... "Ugh, my head... Where am I?"

"Ah, the seeress!" I gasped and turned to see Maleficent. I growled as I seen her.

"It's SO nice to see you... witch..." I said venomously.

She chuckled, "Why child, Can you at least be nice to me?"

"No." I moved on. "Where am I and where's Sora, Donald, and Goofy?"

"Might as well say goodbye to them, me lass!" A pirate came in the room.

"Are you Barbossa?"

"Aye, that I am!"

"Where are my friends? I demand to know!" I realized that Riku wasn't with me anymore, "Where's Riku?!"

"The fool boy is still struggling with his darkness." Maleficent said.

"Yeah? Tell me something I don't know!" I growled and she smirked.

"So you've seen him?" I widened my eyes; I probably shouldn't have said that...

"What's it to you?" I growled.

"Oh, no reason..."

'Sure there isn't...' I rolled my eyes.

"So you say this lass can predict the future?" Barbossa asked and Maleficent nodded. "That should hatch a hefty price in the market, aye?" I gulped.

'Sora... Riku... Please help me!' they left and I stood up. I felt cold and alone. I was alone... My breathing slightly increased and an eerie cold sweat drip down my neck. "Is... Is anyone there?"

"Aww... Does baby need attention?" I gasped and turned to see Blackberry. "Do need me to protect you from the big, bad pirates?"

"I need help from you?" A pirate slammed a door which made both of us jump.

"You know, I can get you to your friends." She smirked, "But if you want to hang out with the pirates, then fine by me!"

"Wait!" I stopped her from entering the dark corridor. I could either be raped by pirates and sold in in a black market or go with Blackberry to Etro knows where. I sighed, "Take me with you!"

She nodded and grabbed my wrist, "Thanks for trusting me."

I sensed, not a sarcastic tone or a tone that made me feel uncomfortable, but rather a tone that said everything was going to be alright. I still felt uneasy; Why would she help me?

As we entered the dark portal, I gulped and forcefully shut my eyes. I felt the rush of the darkness and it hurt a little. That feeling was suddenly gone. Then I felt myself strengthening. I opened my eyes and a green light vanished from her hand. She had a straight face. I gasped and looked around; I was back on the Interceptor. There was barrels of gunpowder and they were ignited. She started to hover with darkness and heartless appeared.

"We need to get rid of these bombs and heartless!" Blackberry said. "I can't kill them but you can! Piri, take care of the heartless!"

"Wait a-"

"There's no time! Just do it!" She snapped her head towards me. "It's the only way to save your friends!"

At first I had a worried face but then I had a determined look and nodded. We worked together just as she suggested; I fought the heartless and keep them away from her while Blackberry got rid of the barrels. After she did, she help me by healing me whenever I got hurt. All of them were dealt with and she did do what she was supposed to... but at what cost?

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