Chapter 34: Naughty or Nice?

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We made it to the small little town, only to have toy-like Heartless appear.

"Not here too!" I said.

"En grade, loyal bodyguards!" Jack exclaimed. We quickly took out the Heartless. Good thing Jack asked us to come with him.

"Christmas is in trouble!" Donald exclaimed.

"Especially if the Heartless are involved..." Yami crossed her arms.

"Good thing were here." Goofy said.

"How is Sandy Claws suppose to relax with all this?" Jack asked. We entered the workshop and saw Santa checking his list. He looked up to see all of us.

"Well, hello everyone." It was really him. "Did you come to see if you're on my 'nice' list?" Santa asked.

"Actually, we came here to see if you were alright." I said.

"I'm quite fine Piri. I'm very appreciative of your concern for my well-being." Santa said. Just then, there was a large crash. It was coming from the factory part of the workshop. "What sort of trouble did you bring with you this time, Jack?"

"This time?" Sora asked.

"Jack, what did you do?" I asked.

"It's a long story!" Jack said.

"Mr. Claus, am I on the nice list?" Sora asked and I mentally laughed. He truly was the same. But...

"Sora, right?" Santa asked and he nodded. "Oh, it appears here, seven years ago, you told everyone you didn't believe in Santa Claus."

"Hey, I remember that! That was when me and Riku went to Kairi's Christmas Party! Yeah, that was mainly Riku's fault..." I rolled her eyes.

"From now on, I believe he is real! No matter what Riku says!" I sadly smiled at this.

"Santa, I know I'm probably on the naughty list but... I have a favor to ask... well, not for me but my baby."

"Little Kiyoko?" I nodded. "I suppose it's about Riku isn't it?"

"How'd you kn- oh, right, you're Santa... But anyway, do you know where he is?"

"Unfortunately, not. I'm sorry dear..." I sighed at this.

"It's okay..."

"Yeah! We'll look for him!" Sora said.

"Reckon, he's looking for you guys right now!" Yami agreed.

We needed to see what caused that noise. We went into to see Lock, Shock and Barrel escape through a window. What we're they doing here?

"Not those 3 again." Santa said.

"I can assure you, they're not with us." Jack said.

"They're up to something. I sensed someone else was here. Someone with a dark aura around them." I said.

"Well, whatever the case, they've been quite naughty. Catch them and bring them back here. They're going to get a lecture." Santa said. Yami smiled and rolled her eyes.

We hurried outside and saw faded footprints. We followed them back into Halloween Town. Our appearances changed back. The more we followed the footprints, the clearer they became. They ended in the graveyard.

"They went that way!" Donald exclaimed. We hurried into the graveyard and found the trio with a giant Heartless. The jumped into the cage that dangled from its neck.

"Stop them!" Shock screeched.

"Tie 'em down!" Lock shouted.

"Get them!" Barrel exclaimed. The Heartless lifted up the cage, opened its mouth and shook the cage until Barrel fell out.

Kingdom Hearts II: Home Sweet SanctuaryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz