Chapter 24: The Transformation of One's Self

Start from the beginning

When Rhythimi opened the door to the Teacher's Lounge, she didn't realize there was a box in front of the door, and she immediately tripped over it.


Rhythimi groaned as her stomach slammed on the floor and the files were thrown out of her hands, wincing a little from the pain. Wow did that smart more than just a little bit...

Still feeling a little of the sting on her skin, the blonde pushed herself up from the floor and started gathering the scattered files.

Although, the problem was trying to figure out what paper went with who's file....

She layed them out on the long table that occupied most of the room's space and got straight to work. Did this one go with this one? Err... This was a lot harder than it looked.

"Crap..." Rhythimi muttered curses, trying to figure out which paper went in each file. "Does this one go here?"

This went on for a solid five minutes before a certain paper caught the blonde's eye.

"Oh hey, this is Rena's!" The blonde grinned in recognition, happy that she was able to restore at least ONE file. Although, what was on the paper was...curious. "Wait a minute... Is this her student bio?"

Sure enough, it was.

Name: Rena Arisa Deveraux
Listed Parents/Guardians: Sam Monroe
Age: seventeen
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: five-foot six-inches
Birthday: January 8th, 1994


Wait, birthday?

"Her birthday is January 8th!?" Rhythimi dropped the paper in shock, nearly stumbling backwards. "But that's TODAY!"



"Eh?" The red-head was startled by that shrill, familiar voice, and he barely had a chance to turn his head and look before something, or rather someone slammed into him at full force.



"Oww..." Keith groaned, sprawled on the hardwood floor in front of his dorm room. When he opened his eyes, he quickly narrowed them at the person lying on his chest from the impact. "Fucking blondie... What do you want?" Keith shoved her off, standing up and dusting himself off. Damn, did that woman bulldoze people good...

Rhythimi leapt up from the ground and kept bouncing like a Buneary, grinning idiotically. "Keith! Keith! Keith! I need you to help me plan a party!"

Keith only followed her jumping motion with his eyes for a few seconds before stopping due to dizziness. Although, the word 'party' definitely had him intrigued. "Party?" He smirked, crossing his arms.

A groggy Isaac opened the door to their shared dorm room, poking his head out. "What's this about a party, this early in the morning...?" The mushroom boy rubbed at his eyes, trying to hold back a yawn.

Rhythimi elicited the biggest, brightest smile ever as she threw her hands up into the air. "It's Rena's BIRTHDAY!"

Any previous expression on both Isaac and Keith's faces quickly melted away, and the two roommates shared an awkward glance.



"Oh come on, noob. I was just wishing you happy birthday." Ice teased, chuckling from the other end of the line.

Rena narrowed her eyes at the sun rising into the sky straight ahead with an unchanging look on her face. "And I'm this close to hanging up on you."

To Steal the Heart of a Thief {Pokemon Ranger Fanfiction} (Pokemon Watty Awards 2015)Where stories live. Discover now