“Alex ?” I asked , worried . “Alex , what is it ? What's wrong ?”

“When I fell” He began awkwardly , “I kind of … smashed ...”

My mind was sent into a frenzy of worry . “A bone ? Tissue ? Wait , you can't smash tissue ...”

“Halo” Alex said , catching my attention . “Your guitar .”

I looked at him blankly . “What ?”

“I smashed your guitar , Halo . I'm so fucking sorry , I'll buy you a new one and -”

“No” I interrupted , “I … I don't want a new one .”

Maybe I was overreacting . But it had always felt like that guitar connected me with Steven , my dead brother . And now it was destroyed , just like him .

“You okay ?” Alex asked carefully . I looked at him , but I could neither nod nor shake my head . Alex pursed his lips .

“Come here” He said , patting the space in the bed beside him .

Obligingly , I climbed onto the bed beside him . When he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug , I didn't protest .

“I'm sorry I yelled at you” He said softly .

“I'm sorry too” I whispered .

We were quiet for a moment , until Alex spoke again .

“You said … earlier … about why I adopted you” He said , sounding out each word carefully . “And … you were right . When you asked me that day we went shopping I wasn't completely honest with you . I said that I liked you best , and that you stood out . Which was true , I swear !”

I looked up from his chest to meet his eyes . “But ?”

Alex looked at me , his face carrying an expression I'd never seen it wear before . It was soft , and caring and … loving .

“When I was about your age” He began slowly , “Younger , actually , my brother died .”

I gasped quietly . He'd never mentioned this .

“And it hit me hard” Alex continued , “Like you'd expect it to . But I got through it . You know how ?”

I shook my head .

“My family . My friends . And – since I started learning guitar that same year – my music .”

“And then – more than ten years later – I met you . And you reminded me of myself , because you'd lost a brother too . Not only your brother , but your mom . Only you didn't have family or friends . You had a guitar , but you didn't know how to play it . So I figured ; I can adopt a kid who can sing like an angel . Who can play ten different instruments , and still have time to be the funniest person I ever met .”

“Or I could adopt – well , myself . Or someone who reminded me of myself anyway . And I could help that person , help them cope with their grief . I could give them the friends , family and music that they never had before .”

“And you did” I told him . He looked at me in surprise , as if he'd forgotten that I was here . “You did help me , and I for that I can't thank you enough .”

Alex hugged me tightly , and I did the same to him . I knew in that moment that it wouldn't matter what the judge decided , because Alex would always be my dad .

After what seemed like hours , the doctor in charge of Alex came in and said hat visiting hours were over .

“See you Friday , Halo” Alex said softly .

“Bye Dad” I replied , and his face lit up like a Christmas tree .

Outside Alex's room , two people were waiting for me . The first , the woman who'd come this morning to bring me to a foster home , and the second ; our lawyer , Mr Sullivan .

“Um , hey” I said awkwardly .

They both stood up . “Hazel , my name is Ms Lawrence” The woman said , “It occurred to me earlier that you would be living with me for the next few days , at least , and you have yet to learn my name .”

I nodded . “Right .”

“Hazel , I'm just here to let you know that I saved your ass today” Mr Sullivan said .

“Huh ?”

“Have you forgotten already ? The judge specifically instructed that after this morning you were to have no more contact with Alex until the next trial . You two disobeyed the judge , and could have lost yourselves some serious brownie points .”

“But we didn't” I pieced together , “Because of you . Thanks .”

Mr Sullivan shrugged .”That's what you hired me for . But please , Hazel , be careful .”

“I will” I promised .

Mr Sullivan persuaded the doctor to let him see Alex to repeat to him the message , while Ms Lawrence led me to her car .

“We already have all of your belongings at the house” She said , “I'm afraid you have a very small room , but you'll only be here temporarily so that should be alright .”

I nodded politely . “Yeah , that'll be fine thanks .”

My new room was basically a cupboard , with a bed , a lamp and a window . My bags were piled high on one side of the room , but despite the things that I had all I could think about were the things that were missing . My guitar … and Alex .

A/N - Shorter chapter today guys , but still important ! Hope you liked it :) Vote , fan and comment !

We're The Back Pocket Believers (All Time Low Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें