Chapter 1

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Cait was waiting in the kitchen for me to come down .

“I was thinking that if you don't mind , we could go down to your house and pick up some stuff “She said casually , though she was obviously wary of my reaction .

I paused . I didn't really want to go back , with all Steven and Mum's things leering at me . “When ?” asked , trying to sound relaxed too , but she glanced at me , frowning , so apparently it wasn't working .

“Sometime today . After lunch , maybe ?”

'No' I wanted to say . Instead , I shrugged . “Yeah , maybe .” Cait nodded , satisfied with my response .

“What would you like for breakfast ?” She asked . I shook my head . “I'm not really hungry , thanks .” Cait sighed . “Look , Hazel , I know this has been tough on you but -”

She looked up , as I did , hearing yells from upstairs . “I'm coming !” She called and hurried away .

I watched her leave , then got up myself . This was only my third day at the Home , and I already wanted to run away . I grabbed my jacket of my hook in the hall , then walked outside into the crisp October air .

If I could live in this house willingly , by myself , with no other children of foster mothers , I have to admit it would be nice . It sat in the middle of the countryside , the nearest town was about five miles away . It was big , it had to be , to fit all us children , and it was homey .

Still , it was nothing like the place I used to live in . Sure , that was a flat above the local chemist with two bedrooms , it had mould growing in one of the showers , and every time you tried to open the front door it got jammed , so you were there for half an hour trying to open the bloody thing . But , it was home . And I love it , and would give anything to go back .

Now , I didn't want to . It felt like chaining a dog who hasn't eaten in weeks up to a wall , then planting a bowl of food centimeters out of their reach . So close , yet so far .

I couldn't go back home , but I had to . There was no way Cait would let me stay here , while she went and picked up my stuff . What did she mean by that , anyway ? My room could barely fit me , let alone any of my things from home .

I sighed . Why was it me ? I guess , we all have bad things happen to us sometimes , but did it have to be this ? Did my family have to die ?

It wasn't long before I heard Cait calling me , so I walked back from the bottom of the garden up to the house . “We'll be leaving soon” She said , “John's going to meet us there , so if you want to go up to your room and grab anything , do it quickly .”

I shook my head . “No , I don't need anything “I replied , and she nodded back at me . “Okay , get in the car so , and we'll be off .”

When we arrived at my old apartment , I winced . I hadn't been here in about a week but it looked exactly the same . I could see John waiting outside for us , glancing anxiously down the road for our car .

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