Chapter 15: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Start from the beginning

I gave Mightyena my nod of approval, and he soon joined Buizel and the other Pokemon at the front of the classroom.

Ms. April pointed down at Buizel, who was standing next to her feet. "Now, since Keith's Buizel is a Water-type, his Poke Assist is---"

Suddenly, I was distracted from Ms. April's lecture by a note that was quickly passed onto my desk. I looked over at Keith, who was grinning at me brightly. I just rolled my eyes and unfolded the note, reading it to myself.

"Hey, wanna hang out later? I need someone to help me procrastinate studying for that test on Friday."

I just rolled my eyes, shaking my head a little. I tore off the corner of my notes and scribbled my answer onto it, which was, "sure, why not," and I passed it over to Keith.

Keith read the note to himself, then smiled and gave me a thumbs up.


The whole class jolted with surprise, nearly leaping out of their desks at the sound of Mr. Kincaid's booming voice. We all froze in place, then listened to the sound of him stomping towards our classroom.


Mr. Kincaid shoved the door open and stormed into the classroom with Kim by his side.

"Mr. Kincaid!" Ms. April yelled with surprise, a little annoyed that he interrupted her lecture. "What on earth is the matter?!"

Mr. Kincaid narrowed his eyes at all of the students in the room. "The school's entire supply of School Styler's has gone missing, and I have an eye witness saying that one of your students took them from the Teacher's Lounge!"

The entire class gasped with surprise, and they all shot each other nervous glances.

"Mr. Kincaid!" Ms. April's face reddened with anger, and she stepped up to the ridiculous teacher. "How dare you accuse one of my students of such a thing without proof!"

"Ms. April, we do have proof." Mr. Kincaid stiffened his posture, then placed his hand on Kim's shoulder. "Kim, can you tell us which of Ms. April's students you saw taking the Styler's from the Teacher's Lounge?"

"Absolutely." Kim sneered, stepping up a little. I grew nervous as she approached my desk, and I gulped when she pointed at me. "It was Rena."

The entire class inhaled sharply, staring at me with the most shocked look ever. They all began whispering to one another, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Wait what?" Mr. Kincaid blinked back his surprise, staring at Kim. "Umm...are you sure it was her?" He awkwardly cleared his throat, acting way out of character.

"Yes." Kim menacingly leaned closer to me, shooting me a soul-piercing gaze. "I'm positive."

"What?!" My face reddened with anger, and I shot up from my desk. "That's ridiculous! I don't have any idea what she's talking about!" I defended myself, standing tall.

"Yeah!" Rhythimi stood up, walking over and wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "Rena may be a trouble maker, but she's no thief!

I just sweatdropped at how ironic what Rhythimi just said was.

"She didn't do it."

I flinched at the sound of his voice, and I turned to face Keith.

Keith stepped up to me and wrapped my hand in his behind our backs so no one else could see us holding hands. I just let it slide for now.

"I'm telling you, she didn't do it." Keith repeated what he said once again, looking down at me. "She's one of us, and she'd never stoop to something so low. Kim has to be lying." He glared over at Kim, tightening his grip on my hand.

To Steal the Heart of a Thief {Pokemon Ranger Fanfiction} (Pokemon Watty Awards 2015)Where stories live. Discover now