Chapter 10: What Makes You Tick?

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Keith figured that their similar personalities was only one of the reasons why he wanted to take the time to get to know this new girl Rena. The other reason was probably because Keith ALWAYS wants what he can't have. And since Rhythimi and Isaac were hogging up her attention and vice versa, he only desired to get Rena's attention even more.

Keith mischievously smirked to himself, watching Rena's eyes light up with excitement and a joyful smile stretch across her lips. "I guess I'll just have to do something about this little situation, then."


Six days ago.

Keith had woken up extra early this morning, despite his overwhelming desire to sleep in again and be late to class. He had already set his trap for Rena in place the previous night. He was going to get her attention one way or another.

How was he going to do it, you ask? Well, Keith was, after all, known at the Ranger School's infamous 'Prankster King.' He was bound to figure out something.

With his trap in place, Keith headed outside towards the back of the school. He found a tree just outside Rena and Rhythimi's dorm room and quickly began his ascend towards the top of it. Carefully, Keith concealed himself within the green leaves, and he peered in through the girl's window and got ready to witness his prank in action.

He immediately noticed that the ever-restless Rena was already awake and out and about in her room. Her Mightyena and Rhythimi's Eevee were curled up on Rena's bottom bunk, asleep together soundly. Rhythimi's six o'clock alarm went off, and she grunted in annoyance at the obnoxious sound.

Rhythimi sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. "Ugh... Is it morning already?" She groaned, looking down at Rena who was standing up on the floor beneath her bed.

"Yes, it is, so you better get up and get dressed." Rena responded in a completely bored tone. She was already dressed and ready for school, even though class started an hour from now.

Rhythimi climbed down the ladder from her bed to the floor, still feeling pretty sleepy. "Yeah, I guess so." She grabbed the uniform she had set out on Rena's nightstand the previous night and took it to the bathroom to get dressed.

Meanwhile, Rena was packing her bag. She was making sure she didn't forget any of her Ranger homework at her desk. She knew very well that she'd get an ear full from Ms. April if she forgot her homework. After packing a few pencils, her Pokemon Textbook, and her Ranger Guide, she threw her backpack over her shoulder and made her way towards the door.

Keith's eyes widened. No! She can't leave yet!

Keith didn't know that Rhythimi and Rena would always set out their uniforms the night before on Rena's nightstand, so he was just now realizing that the 'rigging the closet' prank was a total bust.

"I'm heading out early, Rhythimi. I'm going to stop and study for our test in the Library before class starts." Rena called out to Rhythimi as she stepped out the front door, who was still getting dressed in the bathroom.

"Okay!" Rhythimi's cheerful voice came from the other side of the bathroom door. "I'll see you later then!"

"Bye!" Rena called out to her one last time before shutting the door.

"Damn it..." Keith muttered curses to himself, very disappointed in his failed prank. It wasn't often that his pranks failed. He was sure that Rena would open the door to her closet at some point!

Suddenly, Rena came back into the room just as Rhythimi emerged from the bathroom all dressed and ready for school.

"I forgot to set out a new tie last night, so I forgot to put one on this morning!" Rena scurried back into the room and closed the door behind her.

To Steal the Heart of a Thief {Pokemon Ranger Fanfiction} (Pokemon Watty Awards 2015)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora