Valka (1)

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Nobody's P.O.V.

Valka and Cloudjumper we're flying in the above the clouds. A breeze brushed her hair behind her. It was the place she found best to think after what happened a couple weeks ago.

Hiccup found her. After all these year he didn't become a killer. He took after her. He was with a dragon, but not just any dragon he was with a Night Fury! He didn't try and kill it. He didn't seem to be startled at all by the dragons presence, it was almost as if it was comforting to have it there with him.

Then she has to mess it all up by alerting him that she was here. What surprised her mostly was that he fell back once noticing her his eyes seemed to turn into slits like dragons did when threatened. However she was too far to tell for sure. What she did catch was his quiet mumbling which didn't seem like words more like noises and sounds.

She also recalled how his face shine with frustration and shock when she revealed her identity to him. It hurt her like a stab wound to the heart as he took a sharp step backwards off the cliff.she remembered vividly how her heart and soul split into two as she looked over the edge to see him plummeting to the sea below. Before she knew it The Night Fury had plunged down below and chased frantically after Hiccup. Once he managed to safely get a hold of him he growled at her menacingly teeth bared before speeding away into the horizon.

Valka looked up awaking from her daydream. Now feeling the cool breeze brushed past her once again and the clouds that had once been below her was now above covering the baby blue sky.

The obedient Cloudjumper who was quiet and peaceful during the entire ride till now started to growl below them. Valka looked down an only saw a black speck below her. She managed to make out that it was indeed a dragon.

"Cloudjumper, down boy." Valka asked as she pulled Cloudjumer down towards the dragon. She was now close enough to see that there was a clearly someone riding the dragon, however she could make out what dragon species it was. Cloudjumper snarled at the mysterious dragon and rider below them.

"They're too near the sanctuary. " Valka states looking behind her into the distance. "We have to question them. They could be a threat." Valka said. Cloudjumper receiving the message dived downwards for the dragon and rider claws extended.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

Before I could sense what was even happening I was snatched from my saddle on Toothless by a pair of claws. I heard Toothless' screams and cries as he plummeted down to the sea. The wave seemed to be splashing as if waiting to catch him and drag him under forever.

"TOOTHLESS!!!!!!" I screamed worry and concern for my best friend still in the clutches of some dragon.  I looked up to see who grabbed me into this situation. Who I saw made my heart skip a beat. It was... my mother?!

Boom! Part 1. Done. We missed last week but we are back in business baby! WOOP! Anyways....

-Peace Out! 🐉

We are leaving.... Together.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora