Authors note not chapter

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So I see a lot of people quitting over stupid things and starting drama. Like ghost followers, hate pages, and many more stupid things. We all have our own side of a story. So a lot of people want to be rare, want rare penguins, want to be on the in stuff, everyone cares about getting rare stuff and many other things. Well, we are a clubpenguin community and many other communitys like animal jam just want about rares and stuff. It does not matter what year we all came from like 2012 or 2014 I think you all should be your penguin selves and some are faking for being rare. I'm really suprised that its not our fault if we started that year. We have a childhood. People just care about being rare and stuff. Well guess what? It doesn't really matter if you came from 2012 or or 2013 or 2014! We all are one community. I love penguins who are just themeselves and the year they come from. They are unique. Some people judge us for liking club penguin! To those! of you who judge us people! You cant tell us what we can like . If we like it you get out of our faces. Ill just ignore you people for judgeing people. I don't care.I rather slap your faces. Faking for being rare is so not fair to us rare people. I don't really care if I'm rare. I would be myself and be a 2012 penguin I feel sorry for those people around that year. Well guess what your rare to me maybe some of your items like the fruit party had some and items they don't show anymore. So yeah! Some of your items are rare in 2012-2014 think about it.So those of you for using CHEAT SITES! You so realize that I don't care about being rare. I agree with my pal both. that memories are important than being rare. We spent many years building our penguins but you do realize your putting risk to us for being banned. Many people get accuse for having cheat items. And her speech may be right. I don't get why people care about being rare? Who cares! I rather be someone I am. So this is a lesson to all of you even I learned that everyone Is never lucky. Some people want to be rare and others they don't. Its not fair for people who started in 2006 and I seriously hate drama for just stupid things like being rare or other stuff. But we all have meories together and that's the way I like it.

This is a very beautiful speech from @zongy11.cp . It doesn't really matter if we really are rare. We all have memories with each other. And that's what this community has. Since day 1 of your penguin years. Yeah we all have memories. Even if we aren't rare. We still have good times and bad times. I really like her speech. Its a big problem. To start in someone's drama and be involved. Well this is sad. It touched my heart. But we all have good times and bad times. Thanks @zongy11.cp for the beautiful speech. Even if you have words like this to say feel free to say what you wanyCause not only does my name mean moments. Not only does it remind you of old clubpenguin. It also means you have moments with your pals in clubpenguin

If your really really think about it that you were not actually there back in the old clubpenguin days.You would know how it would look like in 2006.Some people like got banned for 72 hours. Everyones got to read the instructions. It says quote! "Don't use your main penguin." i got comments about being banned for using the site like saying getting a beta hat and other stuff . Its really not fair for the rare people. Even you say your rare your actually not if you use the cheat sight. I just realized that and I feel sorry for being ashamed. And this is true. There might be mods using other penguins that don't talk and that's how you get banned maybe. I don't know but I would never use my main penguin cause it was my first. This is advice to you. Even the site says banning risk and stuff . So don't ask... I feel sorry for all of you for doing that but be warn... well yeah get a backup it helps...

I realized we are never lucky and I really like this speech of hers. I gave credit. so here it is.

Credit for @zongy11.cp

she is a instagrammer. I really love her speech so here it is

"The end says for "getting involved in their drama. I hate drama, but I didn't know I was making it worse" I think everyone should think of this situation the way I did and just forget about being rare. To me, only the memories matter. Being rare is just a waste of time, and if you want to be rare, cooler than everyone else, it's just plain selfish. My penguin was rare just naturally, I spent about 100 dollars on stuff for coin codes. It took me years to build up my account Zongy1. It's not fair to people like me if everyone is using a cheat site to be rare. Some people like me even get accused of using a cheat site because of people using cheat sites to be rare. Then they get banned forever. Then there goes the account they took years to build up. I admit, I used a cheat site to get a few items, but they weren't rare. They were just unlockables. But I'm really sorry to everyone. I put my own penguin at risk for using that site. The penguin I took years building up. I really wish I could reverse all of this. Everyone only cares about being rare. Some of you out there don't even care about people like me, who spent years building up their penguins. Every time you cheat, you put another one of us at risk. Us as in us who have spent years and effort and time building up their penguins. Next time you go to a cheat site, think of the people you'll put at risk. People like me. All you guys who have used a cheat site have put my penguin on the line of being banned. You guys have never learned my story because I've never told it. There's my story. Every Christmas and my birthday, I would open a present to a coin code. After I opened my presents. I would have a handful of coin codes. That's how my penguin got rare. I picked out my treasure book items carefully, as I knew that some of them would never come back. I just wish you guys wouldn't cheat. It puts both of my penguins at risk, because they are linked to the same email. Zongy1 is at a higher risk than you guys of getting banned because she's been banned before. So next time you try cheating, think of all the people like me who have spent years and money building up our penguins."

~ Zongy11

All rights reserved for the speech is copryrighted to @zongy11.cp

her instagram is @zongy11.cp

Yeah! you were all expecting a chapter. well this won't be deleted cause I feel good about this speech

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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