Awkward Silence & Kill me now

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The look on everyones faces. I just walked away from the lunch room. I went outside and sat down eating it by myself.

"So this is how its like?" I said frowning

"Maybe you can say that?"said a voice

I looked and turned around to see mega. I just completly ignored it and went back to eating.

"What's with the long face?" said mega

"You can say that  which in terms say it with a little bit more detail if I were you." I said

"So now your acting like a smart person? But anyway that's not my point. I'm really sorry for acting like a big jerk." said mega

"Apology not excepted. You have to earn the trust from me again. Like saying. You have to earn it again. Your not the only one who lost my trust. The others did. Clearly they still think I'm a criminal." I said frowning "But I seem like a bad guy."

"No your not. I just realized your not bad at all. You and blaze both escaped from jail. Not only that." said mega

"the usual I see?" I said laughing

"Okay?" he said

" Well , goodbye." I said waving

So I got up from my seat. we where going to our classrom until our teacher said he was putting us in groups

" last but not least, lara, renee, blaze, fan, mega and lily." said the teacher

I couldn't beleive he put me in that group. Basically they ditched me for all I know. Gosh

"Now gather around with your group." said The teacher

Before, we could start and gather. the bell rang. I ran out of their really fast. Thank you! thanks. Than I went home. Really Really fast.

"So how was your day sweetie?" said my mom

"Um good.." I said

"Would you be a doll and go steal the pizza parlor?" said my mom

"Wahht." i said

" I said would you be a doll and get that for me." said my mom

"Thanks." said my mom

After that, it was the next day. I was wearing glasses and the usual my green hoodie, purple scarfs I went to class. Yep, he told is to get together with our group.

"I expect more socializing than staring at each other." said my teacher

We all nodded and I said nothing. This was going to be long. Remember I know nothing.

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