Calm relax and Go Away

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The next day, I got up from my bed. I decided to stay away from them. Except Lily of course. We are best buds. I'll just have to wear my green baseball cap.

" Where are you going?" said my mom

" I'm going to school mom." I said

" Looking like that? Wear something else, sweetie." said my Mom

"Fine." I said

I quickly ran upstairs and threw the baseball cap away. I jumped to my bed and screamed. I need to calm down and relax. I just want everything to go away.

I just put on a pony tail and went the down the stairs wearing sneakers. My mom looked at me weirdly and grinned

" That's better." said my mom " What do you want to eat?"

"How about pancakes?" I said

When she was done making my food. I quickly grabbed the pancakes and shoved it into my lunch box. I really wasn't hungry. I quickly ran outside to see if Lily was coming.

" Hey Lily!" I said smiling

" What's that delicious smell?" said Lily

" There's pancakes in my lunch box." I said

" Okay, let's go to school." said Lily

We headed to school and smiled for no reason. I ended up going to the locker room by myself. Err I didn't want mega nor fan I don't know why though X_X err

" Hey Lara." said a voice

" Wh- what?" I said

I turned around and to see Lily smiling. I was shocked and I fell to the ground. Ohh good. Yes!!

" Are you OK?" she said

" You scared the juice out of me." I said

" Haha scared ya." said Lily smiling

We grabbed the poster and brought it to the office. After that we left and smiled. We were done with it. So we are totally ignoring the boys. I don't know why but it as lunch time. I looked the same . My hair was down and my face covered with a mask. I hated my life.

We lined up where we got the food. It was time to pay. I gave the lunch lady a small smile. Once i left the cash register one of my classmates pushed me and made me fall. My food ended up going into my hair and on my face.

" Nice dude." said one of the jocks

" This isn't funny." I hissed.

All of the students laughed at me while I was on the ground. The food was still on my face and was still in hair. Lily ran up to me. She helped me up and I was looking at everyone. Mega and Fan where looking at us and didn't laugh at all. I just grinned and gave them a serious expression and ignored them.

I grabbed some napkins and cleaned myself off. If they want to bully me than I will get back at them. If they want weird I will give them weird.

My brown skin still was not dirty. I quickly took off the mask I wore, and replaced it with my stupid glasses or sunglasses. We sat down and I quickly frowned a little.

" I can't believe he broke up with me." said Leila

" Girl! its okay." said Elizabeth

" Don't worry about it." said Milly

I quickly ignored them and was looking at Lily. She was eating her food. There were two extra seats. So we put them aside and ate.

" Mind if we sit?" said Fan

"Sure." said Lily

Mega and Fan both grabbed two extra seats and sat down. Me and Lily looked at each other and back at them. This is so weird.

" I'm leaving." I said

I got up from my seat. Lily grabbed me and forced me to sit down. Now I was sitting. I frowned...

" Um, we saw what happened... And are you OK?" said Fan

"I'm great!" I said " And how about you, Mega? I hear you broke up with Leila. Isn't that wonderful."

" Um, I broke up with her for some reasons." said Mega

" Is it because I told you?" I said twitching my eye.

" No, because I like another girl. I only dated her just to make that girl jealous though . Anyway, how are you?" said Mega.

" I'm wonderful! But, look at the time I should get going. Wait I have something to give you ." I said smiling

" W-what?" he said

" Here have some." I said

I grabbed the pancakes from my lunch box and threw it at his face. The whole cafeteria saw and began to laugh. They laughed and stared at Mega who had pancakes on his face.

" Mega, I'm sorry." I said

" Well I guess the whole school has something to laugh about. I hope your happy." he said, obviously upset.

Mega got up from his seat and left the table. I quickly ran after him. But he was simply running off. I really was upset about myself. I looked everywhere for him.

I gave up and went to class. What's the point now that I made the whole school laugh at him. I needed an idea for them to laugh at me. I needed them to laugh at me and not him.

The next day was weird. When I got there I quickly spotted Mega. He was walking and one of the locker doors made him trip. The whole school laughed at him.

I was simply wearing a weird outside with a red nose, a white scarf, a clown costume , and sneakers. I will make them laugh... I guess I can be a comedian.

The whole school stared at me . I smiled a little and waved. Simply I just grabbed what I could find in my pockets. Ayee I would say.

" So, don't bother laughing at my friend. Laugh at me. I have umm these weird mustache glasses though ." I smiled.

I quickly threw the red nose away and put on mustache glasses. I know I'm weird but I needed to make it up to him. I walked over weirdly and ended up falling a lot of times. But hey I can become a comedian though...

After that I went to the bathroom to change. I simply wore a green hoodie, glasses , sneakers, and a yellow scarf =)

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