Tell me what happened?

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"So don't even tell me what happened?" said Lily

" Well! looks to me like the boys are up to something and I'm going to figure it out."said Renee

" Tsk tsk, its not like we can dress up as boys." I said

" That's a wonderful idea."said Lily " I always wanted to be a boy. My name can be Larry and Lara yours can be uhh Lucas or the other way around."

" Don't be ridiculous" I said " I'm not being a boy but I know where we can get the costumes!"

We all ran to the drama room. A. k.a the room filled with costumes. I don't know who came up with the idea but it sound so classy.

* special guest is Jamie*

" So how can I help you?" said Jamie

" Can we have boy wigs." I said " Welcome I mean thanks, Jamie."

She handed us the wigs ad we ran off. We were dressed up as boys, We looked at each other. and went to find blaze, Mega, and Fan

" Still, I can't believe you did that to us." said Blaze

" Oh brother." said Fan " Just forget it."

" Sorry, though.. " said Mega

We quickly ran up to them and smiled,We looked at them . and they looked at us . they were confused so they nodded

" Hallo I'm lu- Cas." said Lily

" And I'm Larry." I said shaking hands with all of them

" We are foreign exchange students ?" said Lily with a weird accent " Would you like some broccoli ?"

" Um? " said Mega

" Its uhh nice to meet you?" said Blaze " Let's go."

" Wait! let's shake hands."I said

I took out a piece of fish and gave it to them.They looked at me for a moment and was confused, I smiled and threw a piece at each of them.

" In our country we give hugs to people when we say hello and when they say goodbye we rub our butts on the floor." I said

" Yeah let's go." they said

They dashed off and tossed the fish back to me. We smiled and laughed and took off the wigs. We needed to know where they were going.

So I was happily sitting down at the classroom. Smiling for no reason so the teacher arrived and I got so bored that my head was going to explode. And a few more hours was the sleep over.

After school, I ran off to my house, Simply this was going to be boring like usual. I quickly packed and went straight to Lily's house..

" Hey Lara." said Lily

" So tell me what happened? After they left? Amy rumors about what happened In the gym?" I said

" No, but they will be here any minute." said Lily

Just than the door bell rang we ran to the door to see if the boys were there but it was Renee. I smiled and we both opened the door and happily greeted her.

" So tell me? What are we going to do?" said Renee

" Something huge." said Lily

" Yeah! it might be fun too!!!." I said

" Hold on! got a text from Fan, Blaze and Mega. it says to meet them at the park." said Lily

" What are we waiting for let's go!" screamed Renee

" Calm down Renee." I said

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