Avoid Everyone

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The next day, a bunch of students where giving me evil glances. From my head to toe.

My classmates where whispering to one another. I ran down the hall to avoid eye contact with people.

"What is she wearing?" Said Leila

"She's wearing a hoodie? With a scarf? And sneakers." Said Elizabeth

"She's a brown penguin? That -That-that liar. She isn't a black penguin." Said Milly

"Whatever!!" Said Elizabeth

I walked down the hallway. I looked back and forth and searched around to see if anyone was following me.

I made my way to the classroom. I sat down at my seat and avoided everyone who was staring at me.

After class, it was lunch time. I sat down at my usual seat. A couple of my classmates across from the other side where staring at me especially the two boys and the girl.

"I'm still worried about the girl." Said the deep voice

"Your telling me." Said the other

"I was talking to her the other day. She seems nice. But she doesn't look weird without the mask and the hat." Said a voice

"Well, everyone is giving her the evil glance. From head to toe. Why did you notice about the black paint?" Said the other

" You actually made it worse." Said the deep voice

" Well Rufus, Danny and Ryan are laughing at her especially Elizabeth, Leila and Milly. The mean girls of this school." Said the other

"Well, maybe we can talk to the girl right after school." Said the other

"But we'll just hope no one sees us talking to her." Said the deep voice

I watched as a spitball went in my face. It was from the popular kids. I jumped out from my seat and grabbed the spit ball and threw it at The table.

I watched as everyone was staring at me in amazement. I looked at everyone again.

"Wow, she has good aim." Said a voice

Than all of a sudden Danny threw the snowball at my face and knocked my hat and mask over. I grabbed a pair if sunglasses out of my pocket and picked up the hat and mask and put it in my pocket.

My hair was down. Everyone was shocked. I looked at everyone again.

"Hey aren't you that girl from The track team ?" Said one of my classmates

"Yeah, I am." I said " I- I think I should go."

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