The Sign Of Hope

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"Now class, today we will be learning the process of learning how to mix the chemicals. " said The teacher

I looked up as I watched the teacher preformed his experiment and showed it to us.

"So I put the chemicals like this?" I said while applying the chemicals

Than all of a sudden the chemicals were bubbling causing it to spit out smoke on my face.

I heard voices in front of me. They where talking about something. I turned back and wiped my face with the towel.

"Omg, she doesn't belong in this school." Said Elizabeth " She never ever pays attention to the teacher. She always fails."

"I hear she is one of those crazy weird girls. She looks like one of them hobos." Said Leila

"I hear she fails in every subject. Even her mother doesn't even love her." Said Rufus

"Yeah, I also heard she is the stupidest girl there is on club penguin." Said Milly

After class, everyone left the room. I was the last one out. Some of my other classmates pushed me. I fell to the ground and picked up some of my books.

"Nice one buddy." Said Danny giving him a high five

"Yeah, I know right??" Said Ryan giving Danny a high five.

I got up from my spot and walked away. Some whispers, looks, evil glares and a taped sign that says' Kick me I'm stupid.'

I fell and fell after each kick on the leg. I watched as everyone was laughing at me.

After the classes, it was time for lunch. I walked by and saw a lot of laughing. My life was miserable. I passed by a couple of my classmates staring and watching me sit down at my table. No one was at my table except for me.

" I feel bad for her. Doesn't she ever get tired of being laughed at?" Said a voice

"Yeah, I've seen her all day getting bullied like that." Said another

"It's not her fault if she is weird. Where different. No one can truly understand us. Maybe if we can change her? Wouldn't that stop the bullying?" Said a deeper voice

"Maybe, but right now she needs a friend. We got to Blend with the crowd. Some time in the future we can go talk to the girl." Said a voice

The lace on my hat was getting loose so

I tied the lace around my neck to cover my hair. It was a yellow bunny hat. My face was covered with the robber mask. Sunglasses and glasses where in my pocket.

I knew I felt miserable. I got up from my seat and made my way outside and sat down on the benches and started to cry.

I took off my hat and mask and put on my glasses. My hair was all down. The color of my skin was black and I wiped the paint right off. My skin was back to brown. My actual skin was brown.

I heard something right outside and I began to put my hat back on and mask on. I grabbed a bucket of paint from my pocket and painted my skin black again.

I was a weird girl. I wear glasses for purposes of long distance. My hair was tucked inside the hat.

I didn't want anyone to know what I looked like. Without my hair in a hat. A voice cried out in a shallow creek beneath the corner of the windows right outside the school. I turned and saw a brown penguin.

"Hi-hi... Mind if I sit here?" Said the guy

"Why would you want to sit with a girl like me?" I said

"Well, this is usually my favorite..Uhh... S-spot?" He said

"Well, I'm sorry.. I can go if you want?" I said getting up

"No-no, it's fine. I just thought you needed company? I saw you crying.. So I wanted to cheer you up?" Said the guy

" Thanks anyway.." I said

"Why are you dripping? Did you get wet? Here have a towel." Said the guy tossing me a towel"Also.. There are black spots all over the floor from the dripping thing around your body."

"Well thanks." I said catching it

" Are you wearing Black paint?" Asked the guy

"Maybe or maybe not." I smiled

"Well, wipe it off it's getting the floor all dirty." Said the guy

"Fine." I said grabbing the paint

I quickly wiped the paint off of me with the towel. The towel was all black. I quickly handed it back to the guy.

"Here." I said tossing it to him "Thanks."

"No problem and I will see ya around school, Lara." He said smiling and got up from the bench "You look awesome without the black paint."

"Wait.. Can't I get your name?" I said

"Maybe some other time. You will see me some time soon." He said

"I will?" I said

"Yes, I'm in some of your classes and you will be dreaming about me tonight." He laughed

"Okay?" I said

The guy walked away and waved goodbye. I waved bye. That was weird...

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