Walk or Run

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" Are you really that slow?" I said turning my back

"Well, you ran ahead of me so I just walked while you ran." said the guy

" When will you ever tell me your name?" I said

" When we are the pizza shop then yes." he said

" Fine..." I said

We ended up walking to the beach. I sat down on the ground while he was standing up.

" You must be tired after running like that." said the guy

" Yeah, so tell me about yourself?" I said

" I am in your biology class and Im a little nervous all the time so yeah..." said the guy

" Well, I'm weird and all but I'm in the track team. Everyone knows that now. But they don't know why I've been hiding." I said

" Well, I-I-"Before he could say anything I cut him off.

" Lets go to the pizza shop." I said getting up

We both looked at each other and looked at the path to the dock and back at each other.

" You know I'm faster than you." I said

"Nope, I am I can give it my all." said the guy

" Ok whoever looses will have to buy the person ice cream." I said smiling

"You got yourself a deal." he said

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