"yasssss Kelly! okay ill see you in a bit! happy birthday love you". she quickly hung up , which caused me to laugh.

"happy birthday baby". harry said walking into the room with to LV shopping bags. "here you go"

I grabbed the bags. "thanks". my phone buzzed which meant I head a text. I picked the phone up and seen I had a text from my grandma , she was telling me happy birthday and asking for me to come by a little later.

I responded saying thank you and agreeing to come over.

"you gone open the bags?" harry asked watching me. I looked at him and shrugged. "ill open them later , I'm kind of in a rush right now"

he sucked his teeth."man you so ungrateful". I looked at him confused."what? please don't start that bullshit with me today harry. its my birthday. all the fucked up shit you be doing can be put on hold for 24 hours"

he ignored me and walked out of the room mad. but I didn't care right now.

ever simce I got the abortion he been trying to sweet me by getting gifts , but I wasn't impressed by that. he didn't hold me and talk to me , or hear my emotions.

I needed love.

its sad how I'm in a relationship that's supposed to be about love , but I don't feel any.



"thanks for bring me to school" I said as we pulled up to the building."yeah , you want me to pick you up? or you good?"

I shook my head. "nah Ill have a ride thanks though".before I could get out the car he grabbed my chin and pulled me to his lips. what I thought was going to be a small peck turned into a makeout session.

I pulled away and watched as he licked my strawberry carmex from his lips.

"bye Courtney". he smirked. "bye marcus" I said getting out the car.

jenny stood at the entrance waiting for me as always , it became a routine for her to wait for me. she had a big goofy grin pn her face.

I chuckled. "girl what you grinning for?"

"mmmhmm I seen that , yall naaaasty" she cooed. I rolled my eyes. "yeah okay, don't act like I just don't know what you and woo be doing when yall leave for lunch"

she gasped. "okay you got me, but I have to tell you something courtney"

I looked at her as we walked through the semi empty halls , everyone wasn't here yet since it was still a little early."wassup?"

"riley was talking down on your sister man" I stopped walking and my heart drop. a rage of anger came across me. "say what?"

"riley was sub snapping on the snap so I slid up and asked who , she was saying how bitches sisters die and they start feeling like they more important than nigags girlfriends, I'm like woah you taking it too far"

"crazy part is , she said fuck lyssa and she told warren  all thus akready"

I wantto go crazy right now , I want to go find riley and kill that hoe. bring her back alive and then kill her again.

I shook my head as I began shaking. I don't even be on social media nomore , I got off of it to get some peace in my mind and not to keep reading messy ass shit all day.

"that bitch dumb weak. on my father ill beat that bitch face in". it took everything in me not to let the demon inside of me out.

"wassup Courtney" I heard that familiar voice say , that I'm usually happy to hear. because it brings peace to me. but right now I hated it.

I turned around seeing warren , he had a gift bag in his hand I'm guessing for Kelly."fuck you bro. I thought you was somebody I could trust. but you letting yo bitch disrespect my little sister? my sister is dead bro! that's fucked up. her not liking me I could handle but yo girlfriend getting her ass beat. that's on yall life  bitch ass nigga"

I turned around and walked away , I stopped and looked at the charm bracelet warren got me , I snatched it off and threw it at him , then continued walking.

"Courtney wait!" I heard him yell.

I felt someone snatch my arm and turn me around. of course it was warren and he looked mad as hell."what the fuck is yo problem man? what is you talking about?"

I couldn't hold in my tears nomore , they began falling. " bye warren. I know yo true colors. you claimed up and down how sorry you was for me but you letting yo girl downtalk my sister? let me go man"

before he could speak the first bell of the day rung. I snatcged my arm from him and wiped my tears , then walked to class.

riley got something coming for her ass.

PROJECT PRINCESSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora