Halal, Haram and Mushbooh

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Halal is a Quranic term which means allowed or lawful. Halal foods and drinks are permitted for consumption by Allah-the Supreme Law Giver. Eating Halal is obligatory on every Muslim.


Haram is a Quranic term which means prohibited or unlawful . Haram foods and drinks are absolutely prohibited by Allah. Eating Haram is forbidden for every Muslim.


Mushbooh is an Arabic term which means suspected and cover a grey area between Halal and Haraam. If one does not know the Halal or Harm status of a particular food or drink, such a food or drink is doubtful. A practicing Muslims prevents himself from consuming doubtful things.

Other words you may come across are Makrooh meaning ‘religiously discouraged’ or ‘disliked’ and Dhabiha meaning ‘slaughtered according to Islamic method’.

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