29. More Than Just Friends

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Natsu's Pov


"Happy, grab that satchel for me, please?" I said as I was tying my laces. He flew over and fetched my brown satchel where I keep all of our savings. This should be enough for a whole 2 weeks. Happy and I planned out our summer vacation a head of time; our goal was to travel to many places before school starts. "You got everything?" I said standing up after finish tying my shoes. Happy looked around the room and was reminded of something. He stumbled along his bed and grabbed his fishing rod. "How could I forget this" I sighed and made my way to the door.

"Are you ready to have the best summer ever?" I said extremely jittery. "Aye, sir!" Happy said jumping in the air as I opened the door. I was suddenly stopped with a paper shoved in my face. "Oh no your not, You're not going anywhere " Lucy stood there with an angry expression with her arms crossed. I looked at her confused and then took a look at the piece of paper. My eyes grew increasingly huge. "SUMMER SCHOOL?!?!" Happy and I said in unison. "But...but" Lucy growled and snatched the paper from my hand.

"You failed literally every single class, missed over 100 days of school, and I'm being forced to tutor you the whole summer" She said breathing intensely, Happy crossed his arms and sat on the ground as if he was three years old. "Why must I be punished for Natsu's stupidity" I gave Happy a mean look "Hey you're the reason why I'm failing anyways" Happy stood up and stood his ground. "How is this my fault? You're the one who complains about school 25/8 and always suggest we ditch school." I growled and kicked Happy, sending him flying.

"Will you both shut up and stop arguing" Lucy rubbed her temples trying to calm herself down. "Natsu...you have 2 weeks to make up 8 classes and if you don't you won't be graduating which means you'll have to do another year in High School" I gulped of the thought of having to do a another year there, while everyone is out and free to do whatever they desire. I sighed and gave up. "When do we start" She walked out my door and came back shortly after. " now" she dropped 4 stacks of book on my coffee table.

She walked back out to retrieve more books. She dumped them on my coffee table and dusted off her hands. "Okay this should be enough, oh, one more thing!" She ran out the house and came back after a little while. "This should keep us company while we study" she gently placed a stereo down and turned on some music. This was going to be a long night. "Do we have to start now?" I whined as I laid down on my couch. Lucy stood above me with a perplexed expression.

I closed my eyes hoping to when i open them she would be gone but unfortunately she was still there. "Natsu aren't you worried that you're not going to graduate high school?" I growled and sat up on the couch scratching the back of my head. "This is so stupid..." Lucy jumped on the couch next to me setting up the table for us to start studying. "Come on Natsu stop being a lazy ass and let's get through this together"

I groaned and laid back on the couch. "Alright."

~ Time Skip ~

"You get it?" Lucy asked but i wasn't sure if i was ready to answer that so I decided to do another problem. I tapped my chin as i worked out the problem. I put my pencil down and showed her my work. "Like this?" Her faced gleamed brightly. "Yes! Exactly like this but make sure you don't confuse the numbers with the letters" I nodded my head repeatedly.

Lucy stood up and extended her hand out for me to get up. "You've been working hard all and i wanna treat you" she gave me a big smile and i took her hand and she pulled me up. "Is this a trick?" I said suspiciously. She giggled and waved me off. "It's actually a surprise so on our way there you have to close your eyes" I sighed. "Surprises are for losers you should j-" Lucy put her hand on my mouth. "Shut up Natsu i am trying to do a good deed...and besides..." My facial expression changed. Lucy was blushing? I never seen this side from her and it was actually cute. I gulped and scratched the side of my chin. "Haha...Alright I'll play along" She jumped up and clapped. "Perfect let's go" she grabbed a blindfold and wrapped her arm around my arm.

"It's not a far walk from here so I'll just guide you"

~ Time Skip ~

"And here we are" she removed the the blindfold from my eyes. "Surprise" I took a step back to admire the scenery. It was so beautiful, it was like i was in a dream. "Wow...how did you find this place?" I said looking around. She blushed and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I come here when I have a lot on my mind" I walked over to the huge Sakura tree and laid under it. "This feels so nice" I said as the wind played with my hair.

Lucy came and sat next to me with her knees to her chest and her arms hugging them close. She buried her face into her knees, but not so much to where I couldn't see her face. "Natsu...what do you see us as?" She glanced at me and then back at the horizon. I sat up and looked at her confused. "I-I'm confused? We are best friends" It looked like I said something wrong from her facial expression. Her face became redder and she turned her self slightly away from me. "...you never thought of us as just more than friends..." I felt my heart beating a million times a second as if it was running a race.

What was she getting at? Did Lucy see us as more than friends? Meaning boyfriend and...girlfriend?!? I gulped. "I-um...I mean" I said nervously but I was cut off. "Just forget it..." She stood up and started walking away from the secret hide out my I ran after her. I grabbed her hand and she turned to look at me. "Lucy..." Her face was bright red. She turned her face away from mine to hide her expression. "I'm sorry it was a weird question" I walked towards her and held onto her hand holding it gently. She turned to look at me and then our hands which was intertwined with each others.

"N-Nastu I-" she cleared her throat and turned her face away from mine again but I stopped her with my index finger turning it to face me. "I've alway seen you than just more than my friend" Her face brightened up and her eyes became glossy. I grabbed her face and softy stroked her cheek. "As much as I want to Natsu...we shouldn't...what if it ruins our friendship? What if us don't work out"

I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as the wind constantly blew it in her face. "We'll never know if we don't try" I said shrugging my shoulders. I grabbed her cheeks and pulled her closer to me. Lucy tippy-toed to reach my height and pressed her lips gently against mine. I held her tightly not wanting to let go—not wanting this moment to end.

Author's Note

Back after 4 months 😅 aren't I a lovely author? But yes I'm back temporarily at most. Unfortunately this book is coming to a close...The next Chapter after this one (Chapter 30. Friends With Benefits) will be the final chapter of this book. I had a blast writing this and definitely will be doing some revision to this later in the future, but I have a upcoming book called "Katsuki Bakugou x Reader" If you're a my hero fan (like myself) you should definitely check out my new book when it drops!!! Anyways goodbye see you tomorrow i love you all ❤️

- New Chapter Tomorrow 🎋

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