19. One Night Stand?

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Lucy's Pov

I groaned and switched to my right side curling up into my white blanket trying to find warmth. I dug my face deep into a pair of arms. It was quite comforting since I've never had this feeling before so I snuggled closer onto a bare chest listening to the soft sounds of a heartbeat. It was soothing it was like I was listening to the soft melody of a song.

But wait who's body is this? My eyes quickly jolted up as if I was never asleep and seen an unfamiliar figure in my bed. His body was bare exposing his natural six-pack abs, before I could scream, my hands automatically covered my mouth, shutting it close. What am I doing?!?! There is a total stranger in my bed!!

A sudden breeze ran up my body, It was suddenly really cold and I couldn't understand why. I looked down at my body and realized I was butt naked. I quickly covered my body with the white sheet. OMG IM NAKED IM NAKED IM NAKKEEDDD!!!

the man turned towards me facing me, his pink her blocking his closed eyes. I've never seen this man a day of my life was I raped?!?! I took a deep breath and slowly began getting off my bed as I stood up I felt myself being jolted back. "Lucy...it's too early to be outta bed come back and cuddle with me"

My face turned pale; I turned around slowly giving the man a confused looked "how do you know my name?" He cocked his head to the right. "What do you mean? You don't remember last night" I shook my head repeatedly. He faced palmed himself and sat up on my bed. "My mistake I'm Natsu Dragneel," he said giving me a wide smile while extending his hand for me to shake.

I hesitated at first but accepted it. His hand felt warm and was quite soft for a man. I pulled away blushing realizing I was holding hand a little too long. "Um...mind telling me about last night" he nodded while grabbing his clothes getting dressed. I turned my head so he can get his privacy. "No need to turn Lucy, nothing you haven't seen"

My face grew a bright red. "Shut up!!" I covered up my body and hid from the stranger. "tell me what happened last night or ill scream"

He looked at me coldly. "so you'll scream, causing a scene because you do not know how to handle your liquor" I turned my face to him. "you must be an idiot, OF COURSE, I WILL how do I know if you didn't spike my drink?" Natsu sighed and sat on the bed next to me.

"I'll tell you what happened, get dressed, we are going out for some coffee" I obeyed him and threw on my clothes from last night. God, my freaking head is killing me did I really drink that much last night?

Natsu grabbed his keys and made his way towards the door. "You ready?" I shook my head yes. "Yeah I'm ready" I followed him out the door and admired the surroundings. He must be very rich, everything around me looked like a million bucks, especially the inside of his apartment. "We're going to my favorite coffee place, Starbucks" That's everyone's favorite place to go. "Since it's in walking distance we'll just foot it there" I nodded my head and looked down at my feet while we were walking. The walk there was so silent and awkward I can just feel the awkwardness as if it was a person walking in between us.

"Lucy..." I looked up at him and admired his looks...damn he was so fine. His perfect smile, his hot pink hair, his jawline, his everything. "Uh, Lucy" I snapped out of it and came back into reality. " What do you want to order?" I looked down and shook my head. "I don't want anything" a chocolate mocha sounded so good right now but I didn't want to spend any of his money. "I'll have two white chocolate mochas and two tomatillo wraps" I looked at me confusing. "W-what? I said I didn't want anything" He chuckled. "I heard you, these are for me I like to eat a lot"

"Oh" part of me wanted that food to be for me, I was so hungry and was dying of thirst. Why would I say I didn't want anything. We made our way to sit down. I sat with my hands in my lap and had my head held down. My parents would kill me if they ever find out about this one night stand. I need a cover-up on why I wasn't home last night. The waitress came and brought Natsu's food. Boy did it look good.

He handed me the wrap and the mocha and I looked at him surprised. "What are you doing? I thought you said-"I was cut off. " I lied. Why would I buy food for myself only? What kind of man does that" I blushed and thanked him for the food. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Why was he so nice to me? He doesn't even know me. "Okay about last night where do you wanna start?" I took a big bite of my wrap and wiped my mouth. "How and where did we meet" he nodded his head.

"It was at the bar. I was ordering myself a couple drinks to ya know treat myself to some alone time. You walked in looking very sad and your eyes were puffy as if you were crying..." I remember why I was so sad yesterday I found out Sting cheated on me. That's not even that part why I was sad the part is we were supposed to get married and my parents knew about the alleged cheating and said nothing about it.

"You came up to the bartender and asked for a drink, you sat down, a few stools from me, and got to drinking away. The drinking got so bad that you formed a crowd cheering you on. It was disgusting. I couldn't stand to see a young girl just throw her life away like that let alone be taken advantage of these greedy men. So I grabbed you and you resisted at first but I convinced you to come with me. I took you home with me and wrapped you around my blankets. You were stupid drunk and could not function a sentence" This does not sound like me at all, me? Lucy Heartfilia would do something like this?

".... I asked for your name and you gave it to me. You went on and on about your boyfriend cheated on you and how your family knew and said nothing about it because they didn't want the marriage to be ruined. It was a lot and I couldn't stand to see you so sad. I began stroking your hair and trying to wipe those unwanted tears from your face and then suddenly you kissed me I kissed you back and one thing led to another-"

I stopped him before he could continue. "Look Lucy i-I'm sorry I was not trying to take advantage of you it, it just happened, I was in the moment and you were so sad...I wanted to make you happy...well not saying Particularly sex can make you happy but-"

I began laughing. Him freaking was just so cute and hilarious. "Natsu I'm not mad. I wanna say thank you for last night I am indeed happy. " I sighed and looked down at my lap. "C-can we do this again sometime" Natsu blushed. "Last night?" My face became flustered. "No no no not that I mean us coming here at Starbucks to talk"

We both started laughing.

"Of course"


New one-shot tomorrow.

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