18. The Big Bad Wolf

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Omniscient Pov

"You're a dumbass you know that right?" Natsu tossed the mans brusied
beaten up body on the ground making him yelp in pain. He slowly sat up and pushed himself against a wall to rest on; he wiped the corner of his mouth and gave Natsu a cold look. "you make me laugh...just look at you, helpless like a puppy that was found on the street " he sneered at him. he grabbed the man by his shirt and punched him in the face; his head was thrown back by the hard impact sending a loud cry out of the mans mouth. "Don't think I'm letting you get away with this little shit you pulled Gray..."

He let go of his shirt roughly, folding his arms, and turning his back towards him. "Still won't say anything huh? I don't blame ya" he turned over his shoulder to take a glance at him and smirked. " you remember that time when we were kids and we stood outside fighting eachother until one of us lost" Gray still sat there silent as a mouse. The space between them was so quiet you can hear a pin needle drop miles away; the silence was loud.

Natsu shrugged his shoulder continuing his flash back "well i lost that damn fight i was pretty disappointed but that was back then when we were kids ya know....when i was WEAK!" He sent a full fledge punch towards Grays face sending him right into the rundown cement wall creating a crater.

"Ooo ouch ....that looks like that hurts" Gray groaned in pain as he fell onto the ground. He held his arm and looked at Natsu with Hurt eyes. Gray was in disbelief as to what Natsu has become he would have never thought Natsu would ever turn against his own friends. He turned his head away from him hiding his emotions.

"Hey don't look at me like that it makes me really pissed" Natsu was about to deliver another punch at him when someone stopped it he looked at the figure and seen It was a scarlet haired women usually Natsu would be pssing his pants just seeing a sight of her but he didn't even flinch it was as if he was face to face with a helpless new born "sigh...Erza you always love butt in " Natsu said crossing his arms, giving Erza a distinctive look.

Erza sighed in annoyance. "What the hell are you doing..." she said through gritted teeth. Natsu was far annoyed that Erza came to rain on his parade. "Look Erza wouldn't it be fun and hilarious that you disappeared for a couple of years" He said smiling brightly at her. That smile...that same smile he would always give to Happy and Lucy when they were out on adventures just exploring the world.

That perfect little smile...so precious and dear to everyone especially one particular blond haired mage. Who would've thought he would use that smile to say something so vindictive to Erza Scarlet the world has really changed for Natsu Dragneel. "I always wondered why was i so afraid of you it never really crossed my mind"

Natsu began walking circles around Erza looking up and down her body. "You weren't all that powerful but of course in my opinion" he stopped mid walk and turned to her " I honestly think you love to just put on a tough act in front of everybody just so you feel 'tough' and the funny part is who's usually the one saving the day? Me yet you're the strongest " Erza starred at Natsu full with hatred as if she was face to face with one of her arch nemesis.

This wasn't the same Natsu they knew 2 years ago no....it was somebody completely different this was a whole new Natsu. Its like somebody programmed him or has if he died and they made a evil clone of him but no this was all his doing by himself.

"Natsu just tell us why are you doing this" Erza and Natsu looked over at Gray who was slowly getting up from the ground using the wall for support while holding his broken arm. "Oh look guess who decides to get out of their comfort zone and speak " Natsu said waving him off.

"What's the purpose for all of this?" Natsu narrowed his eyes at him "because i think its fun and don't forget that little stunt you tried to pull on me i will be paying you back for that" Gray began limping towards him but Erza ran to his support to catch him from falling. "What i do with my life is none of your damn business."

Natsu turned around and began walking away leaving Erza to clean up his little mess he made. "What about Lucy" Natsu stopped in his path and turned around slowly just hearing her name brought tons of amazing memories that he could never forget. " I know how much you're in love with her" Natsu face shifted and looked at Gray angrily "okay you're honestly pissing me off. "

Gray stood up from his knee. " You Know Lucy has no clue on what you've become neither does Happy. I've been keeping this a secret from them for years now and they've always asked me when is Natsu going to come back and...where did Natsu go...and i always respond with ' I want to know too...' "  Gray shut his eyes letting the tears rain from his face.

" DAMNIT where did my best friend go!! What happened to the Natsu i knew why isn't he here with us? WHY'D HE LEAVE?!?!" Gray fell to the ground tears trampling down his cheeks it was overwhelming for him seeing his childhood friend go through such a drastic change from a course of two years. Going from good to evil.

"Hate to break it to you...but he died a long time ago" Gray looked at him with wide eyes "SHUT THE HELL UP" he ran up to him and punched him right in the face with his good arm sending him tumbling to the ground. Natsu held his cheek and looked at Gray angrily "oh I'm going to kill you..."

"STOP IT!!!" Erza looked at both of them. "Natsu can't you stop this..." Erza face was soft, her eyes looked like they were threaten to spill any second. "Can't you see you're hurting everyone around you"

Natsu looked at Gray who looked he's been hurting for awhile. Natsu didn't even know what he's become himself.   He smelt a familiar smell all too familiar. It smelt like a bed of flowers soaked in the most lavender soap ever. That smell was intoxicating ro his nose. The smell got closer and as he looked up she seen a blond mage towering him above.

"N-Natsu...?" She whispered hurt and confusingly.


Hehehe had to leave it off in a cliffhanger 😋 sorry for any mistakes I didn't take the time to edit this 😞

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