I was snapped into reality when mimi tapped her lipstick on my head.

"Hello, earth to Milani..." I turned in my seat to see a very confused Mimi staring back at me. Her perfectly arched eyebrows knitted together upwards as she leaned in VERY close to me.

"Girl, what the hell are you thinking about?! I've been saying random shit for the last five minutes! I even asked you if you've finished that time machine you were building. What the hell is going on in that thick skull of yours!" Mimi rushes out her words in a quick tantrum like spasm, causing me to wince away from her, as she Pointed her perfectly manicured white finger directly in my face.

"Goddamn it, M get your damn finger out my face, I just zoned out for a sec." I explained trying not to ignite the wrath of Mimi the great. That girl could even make a pure blood like me shake when she was angry. I remember one time during freshmen year, a boy asked Mimi out, very aggressively at that. When he wouldn't take no for an answer mimi sent a forceful kick, straight to the place where the sun don't shine. She was suspended for a week.

Let's just say no one asked Mimi out until Tyler came round'.

Mimi squinted her eyes at me, almost as if she was trying to piece together a puzzle. She then slowly retracted her finger and leaned back into her seat. The smooth leather squeaking as she did so. The corners of her mouth slowly turned up, as she soon broke out into a wide grin.

"Ok I'll forgive you this one time, but let's hurry there's a sale at sallies boutique. 50% off everything!" Mimi cheeks tinged pink as her excitement rose. Her eyes fluttered close as she placed her both her hands over her chest, causing me to let out a very unladylike snort as she proceeded on with her act.

"Oh the sales, I can almost smell them!" she opened one eye and turned to look at me smiling, in turn causing me to break out smiling as well.

We sat for a split sec just staring at each other like a couple of weirdos before I broke the silence.

"What are we waiting for then?" I said as I unbuckled my seat belt, grabbing the passenger door handle and pulling prompting a "click" as the door popped open. Stepping one foot out onto the pavement of the ground I turned to that, to my surprise Mimi had already made her way out of the drivers side of her Tesla. I laughed as I watched rush around the front of her car over to my side her heels clicking against the pavement. When she made it over to my side she quickly linked her arm with mine, all the while in a partly hushed voice repeating, "sales, sales, sales." I laughed as she dragged me out of the car, shutting the door behind me. She could so dramatic but yet so serious army the same time. It was one of the many thing I loved about her.

We began walking towards the exit slowly as we were talking about Gorillaz, aka the best band to ever exist. It was another thing that we had in common. Anyone who didn't like Gorillaz couldn't ever be my best friend.


"Omgod, did I tell you that I bought that limited edition T we saw online, its so cute and it was soooo expensive , but soooo worth it!"

"Seriously no way, lucky! That's so unfair you know-" I was cut off when I felt my wolf getting restless. My heart beat quickened as I came to abrupt halt, stopping Mimi with me.

Something was wrong.

"I hear mimi next to me talking, but I can't focus on the words she's saying. I know she's probably confused as to why we stopped, but honestly I am too. My human brain and my wolf brain are currently in a struggle of dominance and will. My body shook as I came to the realization that we were in danger. I didn't know how or why, but I knew we just were. As soon as that thought crossed my mind I felt a presence behind me. A lump formed in my throat as chills ran down my spine. What is this feeling? It's unlike anything I've ever felt before.

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