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Woke up early morning, got dressed and went on our way to school.
I wasn't feeling the best, I felt sick to be honest I think I ate way to much last night.
"Thankyou again, I am thankful to have someone like you" I say to chad.
"You're most welcome babes, we will be a bit late to school. But it's okay. Means no one will be suss" he replied.

The drive back was fairly quick, but still long. We arrived at school at 8:35, school bells ring at 8:05 so only half an hour late. I miss chad on the lips and walk to class. I had English.
"Sorry I'm late sir," I said to my English teacher.
"No worries, come in and take a seat" he replied.
I sat next to Ian and Lucy.
"Why are you late, have a hickey on your neck, and looked hot as fuck lastnight in your new profile picture, and with your mum?? I thought she didn't let you have Facebook?" Lucy asked.
"I slept in, it's not a hickey, and she doesn't mind, why do many questions Jesus" I replied.
"Just asking Dani." She replied.

I wrote in my English book, did the work I had to. English wasn't my strong point, history was and I have history next and I zone in. Like someone could be talking to me and I won't reply because history interests me so much.

"Okay class, don't forget the big test in 2 weeks, then you guys have summer break. So please study" Mr Blackwell said.
We all walked out of the class. I only had history with Ian. Lucy was in the lower history class because she hates it and refused to do the advanced one.

"Now that Lucy isn't with us, what's that on your neck" Ian asked.
"It's a bruise" I reply.
"No like it's a hickey, I just know." He replied.
I nodded.
"You're joking.. who?" He asks.
"His name is Evan." I reply.
"Where did you meet this Evan?" He replied.
"Tinder, and him and I have met up a few times. He's really nice" I replied.
"Will I meet this Evan?" He asked.
"Yes, I'm sure one day" I reply.
"What's he look like?" He asked.
"Brown hair, beautiful eyes, tanned skin, tall" I reply.
"You just described my brother and yuck." He replied.
"Hahahah" I giggled.
"As long as you're safe and happy. Wait... have you guys fucked?" He asked.
"Mmhmm" I replied.
"Holy shit! You're not a virgin anymore" he yelled.
"Ian!" I replied.

I see chad in the next hallway over, he looked over and gives me a grin. I hope he doesn't think I told Ian.
We walk into history, do our history work and go to recess.

"So Danielle's fucked some Evan dude" Ian said to Lucy
"What the fuck?" She replied.
"Sorry I didn't tell you luce" I replied.
"Dog act babe, you have to tell me everything!" She replied.
I just laughed,
Chad came around the corner
"Oi Ian, party is tonight, invite your lame ass friends" he said.
"I will, oh and remember Danielle?? She's no longer a virgin. She's fucked someone named Evan. I guess she's gotten over her crush on you" He said.
"What the fuck Ian" I said.
"Oh, Evan hey?" He replied with a smirk.
"Yeah.. he's dreamy" I replied.
"Sure he is" he replied.
"Whatever, go away chad. I'll be home later with these two" Ian replied.

Chad walked away.
"So if you don't want him anymore, do you think I can fuck him" Lucy asks.
"What the fuck, no, my brothers off limits guys" Ian replied.
Little did he know I'm already fucking his brother.

The rest of the day went pretty quick. I had to go home and get changed before going to the party, cause mum was dropping me over.

I walk into my room, put my bag in my study nook and lay down.
"Hey gorgeous, how was your night?" Mum come in and asked.
"It was good.. I can't believe you're okay with this all" I replied.
"Look, I want to be someone you can come to rather than run away from. I love you; and you're most important to me. Including your father, and this new baby, I just want everyone to be happy" She replied.
I hugged my mum. She's a strong beautiful women who needs support so bad, she's changing, for the better clearly.
"Well I'll be in my room, so let me know when you want to leave. Oh and there is a swimsuit in your drawer, pretty sure chad left it for you" mum replied.

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