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School went by quick, chad dropped me home and he went to his home. I love chad but at times you just need to have some days by yourself and binge watch tv and catch up on everything.
"How was school sweetheart" mum come into my room asking.
"Yeah it wasn't too bad, I actually enjoyed today!" I replied
"No chad today?" Mum replied
"Nah, He is at his tonight, I'm here." I replied
"It's good that you two know when to spend time apart. Your father constantly wanted to be around me when we first got together and I wanted to have some night apart, it ruins things in the future. You have to be excited to see your partner" mum replied.
"He's always excited to see me, I'm excited to see him too but I don't know ma I just want some alone time from time to time." I replied.
"Yeah I understand that, well actually your father and I are going out for tea tonight, you're coming too. Just to the local pub nothing fancy but we wanted to invite chad and his family too, be like a family outing thing" mum replied.
"I'll message chad and ask him" I replied.
"Thanks sweety" mum replied.

I message chad, and it was all settled, I was going out for tea.
I hopped out of bed and went to to bathroom and run a shower, hopped in and washed my body and hopped out.

*knock knock*
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Look it's just me" mum says
"What's wrong?" I ask
"Can I come in?" She replied.
I put the towel around me and opened the door. Mum come in and shut the door behind her. "I am a bit worried.. I went into your room and found this" She said as she pulled bondage cuffs out from behind her back.
"Oh god." I replied.
"What are these Danielle" She asked.
"Mum. They're handcuffs. Mine and chads handcuffs." She replied.
"Oh. Oh I'm sorry, they look advanced for handcuffs" She replied.
"Our sex is advanced mum" I replied.
"How advanced? Like I don't wanna be one of those annoying mums that wants to know all about her daughters life, but I don't know your dad and I are very vanilla lately, maybe it's because I'm pregnant. I don't know" she replied.
"Oh yuck for starters, and I don't know mum, he and I just do things that normal couples wouldn't do, like bondage, rough, intense stuff ma" I replied.
"I need me a pair of these" Mum said while waving my cuffs around.

We walked out and I went to my room and did my makeup, and my hair, I walk over to my cupboard, find a nice red dress I haven't worn in a while and pop it on.
"Ugh fuck! MUM" I shout.
"Yes" she says as she opens the door.
"Can you zip me up" I ask
"Oh this is a tight fit now, you haven't worn this for ages" Mum replies.
"It is tight but it shows of my figure well so get zipping" I replied.
She zips it up and I put on some white heels.

"Who's driving?" I ask.
"You, your fathers going to be having a few drinks, and I can't be bothered to drive" mum replies.
"Could have told me before I put my heels on" I replied.
"Well you're gonna have to deal with it" She replies.
"I'll do it, only if I can drive dads car" I ask.
"Take that up with your father, but I can already tell you what the answer is going to be" She replies

I walk into dads study. "Hey dad" I ask.
"What's up?" Can I please drive your car tonight considering I have to drive, plus my car has like no petrol in it and I don't want to fill it up, pretty please" I ask
"Yeah okay, but don't you be silly, and rev her up, just drive her normally" dad replies.
My dad drives a old holden Monaro, it's done up and he has had it for years, he has only let me drive it once when I was on my ls
"Booooyeah" I replied.

We hop in dads car and we go on our way. I of course rev it up. I never listen to what my dad has to say, I'm what you call a rebel.
We get to the pub and I park his car and we walk in and see chad and his family sitting by a table all with a beer or wine in their hands. I'm not drinking tonight as I'm driving. Plus I'm underage.

"Hey gorgeous" chad comes over to me saying. "Hey handsome" I reply.
We sit down and look at the menus and go and order our food, I just got a nice chicken snitzel with avocado and chips, with salad.

I ate my food, everyone ate their food and I missed chad goodbye, "Can I come over tonight?" He asked. "Okay, but like you're going to have to sit in the back, with dad" I replied. "Fine by me, wait are you driving?" He asked. "Yes, I am" I replied.

We hopped into dads car and drove off back home, it doesn't take that long to get home from the pub, but still I tried to get home as quick as possible because when dad drinks he becomes a bit sexual with mum and I so don't wanna see that. I park the car in the garage and put the keys in the bowl near the door. "I'm going to bed mum, night love you, night dad, love you aswell" I say. I take chad to my room and put on a movie.

"Babe can you give me a hand with my zipper?" I ask. "Yeah sure, come here" he says. He starts to unzip my dress. "No funny business, I can't right now" I say. He started to undress me. "Babe, I mean it I'm not in the mood" I say. "You do realise I need one finger tip to make you in the mood" He replies. "Hm well try me, because I'm sure as hell not in the fucking mood chad" I reply. "Okay, what's wrong." He asks. "I just don't want to have sex, I want to go to sleep and get this stupid damn dress off." I reply. "You never say no to sex, what the" He replies. "Fuck is it so bad I don't want to fuck you for one night?" I reply. "No no babe I didn't say that, don't get snappy." He replies. "Sorry I'm just sick of it, I love you chad but I feel like all we do is fuck" I replied. "That's not true." He replies. "Isn't it? Every night I've spent with you babe, we have had sex, you seem like an addict. I can't handle all of the sex, don't get me wrong I love it, and sometimes I get so horny I could do anything but please can we not have sex every night." I replied. "Yes that is fine, I just want to pleasure you. I don't care about me" He replies. "Well please babe, not tonight" I say.

I take my dress off and hop into bed wearing my bra and undies. "You're killing me" He says. "Why?" I ask. "You're wearing my favourite colour on you, and my favourite print. Good work babe" He replies. "Oops" I reply.

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