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I exited the bathroom.
"Danielle, go on a date with me, I'll buy you a nice dress, I'll pay for your makeup and hair to be done." Chad says as he exited after me.
"Ian and Lucy will find out." I say
"I'll be your mystery man." He replied.

I just nodded and went back out to the pool. I sat with Ian and Lucy. I didn't want to seem distant from them after all.
"Hey girly" Lucy said to me
"Hey" I replied .

I decided to go back upstairs and collect my stuff and start heading home.
"Leaving so soon?" Ian says
"Yeah. I'm feeling a bit sick, under the weather actually." I replied
"Is that a hickey?" Ian says while pointing to my neck.
"Oh no. I had a pimple." I replied.

I walked into his room and grabbed my clothes.
"What's wrong with you?" Ian came in after me.
"Nothings wrong? I don't feel well and I want to go home" I replied.
"No, something's wrong Danielle, you're acting weird." He replied.
Lucy walked in.
"Ian. I'm fucking sick, is that not okay?" I replied.

I walked out of his room with my stuff and sat down in the lounge room. All of Ian's family was there.
"You heading home sweetie?" Dianne said.
"Yeah, I feel sick." I replied.
"Would you like me to drop you home?" Dianne replied.
"I'll do it mum" Chad came out from the kitchen
"Thanks son" Dianne replied.

I started walking out to the car.
"You okay? Chad said
"Nope, just take me home." I said.
I got into the car and buckled my seatbelt.
"We aren't leaving. Til you tell me what's wrong with you." Chad replied.
"I'm just trying to think of ways this can work you know? I fucking like you, hell I lost my virginity to you." I replied.
"You know it's doing all in my power not to kiss you right now. But hey, then everyone will know. Dani, I like you too. We will make this work. Please just trust me." He replied

We started driving away. But not the way of my house. I couldn't even be bothered to ask. Simply because I didn't care. He could kidnap me and I wouldn't give two shits.

I looked out the window, with every kilometre we drove all I saw were houses, then trees, then nothing.

"Okay. Where are we going now?" I ask
"You'll see" he replied.
He put his hand on my thigh, caressing it. Was a turn on. I wanted him bad.

I moved his hand closer to my miffy.
"There." I replied.

He pulled over.

"Uh uh. I'm the dominant one, kitten" he replied.
He pulled my shirt up, nibbling my breasts. "Fuck" I gasp.
He starts rubbing my miffy, it feels unreal.

Then all of a sudden; he stops.
"Before I keep going. There's more about me you should know." He replies.
"Yeah" I say.
"I'm not just into dominance, I'm into BDSM, nothing too bad. Just handcuffs, chains, whips, blindfo.." I cut him off
"I know, and I am fine with that." I reply.
We drive back off to the location he wanted to take me. It was a beautiful lookout. Who knew chad had a cheesy side.?

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