"Sorry, I'm excited." Tanaka chuckled and calmed down. The two continued their stroll down the street. Not very many other people were out due to the late hour.

"Uhh do you live down here because I've just been walking in the direction of my apartment..."

"Ah no, I live in the opposite direction. Oops. Oh well, guess I'll just have to continue walking you home and take a taxi from there. Darn."

"Oh, okay so this was part of a plan?"

"I don't know what you are talking about~" Tanaka smirked.

"Mhmm." Ennoshita rolled his eyes and continued heading home. When they arrived, Ennoshita lead them into the building and up to his apartment number. "Thanks for walking me home, see you tomorrow." He gave a little wave and went to unlock his door.


"What?" Ennoshita turned around and Tanaka leaned closer.

"That's my name. Tanaka Ryunosuke. I thought it'd only be fair if we both new each other's full names."

"Oh, okay Ryu," Ennoshita leaned forward and gave Tanaka a kiss on the cheek. Then he went inside his apartment and shut the door. Jesus (Asahi) I feel like a teenager again! What am I doing! He sighed and walked further into his home.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Tanaka stood there, beat red, shocked and with his mouth wide open.


Ennoshita plopped back on his bed with a sigh. He had clothes everywhere, trying to decide what to wear to his date.

"Chikara, all of these clothes are nice. Just pick something," Akaashi said from the small chair in Ennoshita's room.

"AGhgGHhh don't tell me that, you're literally the most beautiful person in the world--you could wear anything," Ennoshita growled and rolled over. He felt a hand patting his shoulder and turned.

"Chikara," Akaashi continued softly patting the other boy's shoulder while talked, "You are beautiful too, and I know Tanaka doesn't care what you are wearing, he is just happy you are there," Akaashi then yanked Ennoshita up by the shoulders, "Now, put on that grey sweater-"

"That one?" Ennoshita pointed, slightly emotional from Akaashi's short inspiration speech.

"Yes. And those black jeans-"

"The skinny ones?" Ennoshita looked at Akaashi.

"Yes. They make your butt look nice." Keiji smiled then motioned Ennoshita to get moving, "Quickly. We have to leave soon."

"Right, okay," Chikara laughed as he starting changing.

When Ennoshita was content with himself, they left the apartment building and headed to the tattoo parlor. Akaashi was joining Ennoshita because Akaashi's fiance actually worked for Tanaka. Somehow, after all the years Keiji and Chikara had been friends, Ennoshita never met or heard of Tanaka.

As the two got close, Ennoshita got to see what the shop looked like when it was open. It was pretty dark on the inside, but there were beautiful paintings in the windows, and lights that framed the windows. The big sign read Tanaka's Crows in thick curly letters. 

Akaashi opened the door and they walked in. Almost immediately someone yelled from the back, startling them.

"KEIJI!!!!" They looked to see Bokuto jumping off of his chair and running to his fiance.

"Bokuto-san, please be a little more calm at work," Akaashi laughed and hugged him.

"Sorry! I haven't seen you in a while! I missssed youuuu-"

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