10. IwaOi

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"Yes Oikawa?" Kageyama sighed as he poked his head out the door of his bedroom.

"I love you and Chibi-chan, buuuuut you have got to stop being so cute in front of me all the time. And when you kiss on the couch I CAN HEAR YOU so please go to your room. And stop wearing my shirts," Oikawa pouted at the younger boy. He really did think they were a cute couple, he was just jealo-

"Fine. But your just jealous."

"WHAT WAS THAT BOY?" Oikawa ran after Kageyama, but the younger boy already shut and locked his door. "I hate you." The door opened and a blob of orange peeked out.

"I'm sorry Oikawa-sir-er-san. We will do better, and I know you will find a wonderful and handsome boyfriend soon," Hinata up smiled at the tall man. Oikawa teared up.

"OH SHRIMPY, you've always been so kind," He hugged the smol bean incredibly tight and Kageyama had to pry the poor boy away.

"Keep you hands off, idiot," Kageyama gave Oikawa a glare.

"Sorry, I'm emotional," Oikawa shrugged ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and walked back into the living room area. He flopped back onto the couch and hugged a pillow. I need a man. He sighed.

Can you hear my heartbeat?  

Tired of feeling never enough

"Victor! Yuuri... no that's just-"

I close my eyes and tell myself

That my dreams will come true

"-my ringtone-"

There'll be no more darkness

When you believe in yourself, you are unstoppable

"Ah, the song is pulling me i-"

Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades

You set my heart on fire

"I love thi-"

Don't stop us now




Oikawa ran to his room and answered the phone. "Hello?" He heard a 'Finally' coming from the other bedroom.

"Ayyyyyy it's Makkkiiii," Oikawa groaned.

"Whaaaat do you waaaaaant?" He whined.

"Hey, chill, I have something good for you, and Mattsun agrees," Oikawa heard some mumbling and then Mattsun was on the phone.

"Hey Oikawa, Makki's not lying this time dude. You gotta come down here." Oikawa thought for a second before replying. If Mattsun is saying this then maybe-MAYBE they have something good this time. A guy maybe?

"Fiiiiine where are you guys?"

"That gym across from your apartment. We were over here gettin' ripped-"


"-anyways and we found-" Mattsun got cut off.

"Just get over here Tooru!" Makki yelled into the phone and hung up.

"Makki I swear..." Oikawa got up from his bed and changed out of his alien onesie into a sweatshirt and pants. He trudged out of his room and to the kitchen counter to grab his keys. "Hey Tobio-chan I'm leaving for a bit so be as loud as you want~" Oikawa chirped as he walked out the door.

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