16. TanaEnno

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A/N: Dear Asahi, I made this a little too loooong so...f0rGivE mE

Ennoshita Chikara made his way down the busy street. He was carrying a box full of documents and folders that he was supposed to deliver to his boss. His silky black hair was being matted down by the cold wind. Ennoshita checked his watch, which read 9:51. Crap I'm gonna be late--er well maybe he's staying later tonight- "GAh!" A door suddenly opened and knocked Ennoshita to the ground.

"OH MY GOD, Are you oKAY?" A voice called from above him. Ennoshita looked up to see a muscular tan man with a shaved head and tattoos trailing from his exposed neck and arms. Chikara flinched back.

"Uhh...I-I'm sorry s-sir-" Ennoshita frantically tried to place all of the contents back into the box. 

"NO! It's my fault completely! I didn't see you walking by!" The threatening man squatted down next to Ennoshita to help place everything in the box, "Are you hurt?"

"Uhh no, I'm fine..." Ennoshita realized how nice the guy was and felt like an idiot for thinking he was a scary criminal, "Thank you."

"Uh oh," Ennoshita looked up at the guy, "There's a rip here, in the box-" the man pointed to it. Ennoshita became worried about delivering the box--what if something falls out while he's walking? The guy seemed to notice Ennoshita's concern, "Here, come inside, I can patch it up with some tape."

"No I-"

"It's the least I can do. I am the one who hit you," The guy gave a pleading look.

"Alright." They stood up and walked to the glass door. The man unlocked it and lead Chikara inside. Ennoshita looked around to see...many tattoo stations? Oh right I forgot, this is a tattoo parlor. That's why he has so many tattoos... Ennoshita looked back up towards the guy. He walked behind the counter.

"I'm Tanaka by the way," The man said as he rummaged through a drawer.

"Oh, Ennoshita. So, do you own this place?" Ennoshita walked to the counter himself and leaned on it. He put the box on the counter.

"Yep. With my sister," he growled the last part.

"Heh, is she hard to work with?" Ennoshita laughed.

"Well, she's always trying to get me a date. Any guy I tattoo, she's all over us. Agh it's annoying. But I love 'er."

"That's pretty funny actually," Ennoshita laughed. Then realized, Wait did he say guy-

"You think? I don't. Can't get any business done. Anyways, here," Tanaka handed over a roll of tape, "Found the tape." He shot finger guns and Ennoshita laughed.

"Thank you~" Chikara began fixing the tear. Tanaka nodded back and began humming. Ennoshita carefully patched up the hole without making a bigger problem. When he handed it back, he noticed Tanaka staring.

"U-uhh *cough of desperate escape* thanks..." Tanaka blushed and put the roll back in the drawer. "S-so are you delivering this somewhere?" Tanaka walked back around to Ennoshita.

"Y-yeah at the office down the street."

"Oh, I can help you then, if it's just down the street." Tanaka reached around Ennoshita and lifted the box up, with ease--which surprised Chikara, because the box was suuuper heavy for him.

"Oh no, you don't need to do that." He reached for it back.

"Aw come on, I knocked to the ground and tore up your box, let me help." Tanaka walked to the door. "If you don't get out, I'll lock you in~"

"Fine, fine. Thank you," Ennoshita replied as he rushed through the door. Tanka laughed and locked the door behind him. The two walked down the street to the big grey building. They turned and walked through the big glass doors.

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