I settled in my seat and clenched my jaw. The ass hated the heat and so all the curtains were drawn closed. Not that I was complaining about the A.C. which was directly over my head, but I couldn't enjoy watching the blue sky and cotton clouds floating.


After running errands downstairs and grabbing a croissant from the cafeteria, I walked back to the office. It was 11 am but I was starving. Sophie had made me obsessed with food especially desserts.

I entered the office and felt so strange,
" You know David you didn't have to throw away all those flowers." I said as I sat on my desk. I looked around the office and huffed, it was back to being it's cold metallic grey colour. How boring,
Just like the boss!

".... the flowers were the only thing that gave life to this room." I continued speaking but David ignored me again. He was a robot with the only emotion he showed being anger. Like how can a single human portray only anger. All that adrenaline and you waste it on something as useless as anger!
How stupid!

"Elise take your useless talks somewhere else." David said and I rolled my eyes.

" I'm just giving you company Davy. If I go, you'll be all alone in this cold room and you'll frost even more." I said giving him a big smile. He looked at me with a blank look and I smiled bigger. The dude arrived from Dubai yesterday and he was already overworking himself.

" Did Mr. Zayen do the research about the power polls?" David asked as he flicked through some pages.

" Yasshh..Bhat i fourgot to ask him to gimme" I spoke whilst eating my croissant and David gave me an annoyed look. He hated it when I done that and to vex him more, I done it more on purpose. Please I do have etiquettes, my parents taught me how to eat in front of people but eating in front of David Faverly is just another thing. He'll look at you with his nose flaring and his jaw clenched and while he thought he looked scary, he looked fucking hilarious.

I was wiping my mouth when the phone rang, Seeing the Caller ID , I groaned out loud. I hated answering unknown numbers.

"Talking from Power&Co is Elise Prayt, how may I help you today?" I said sweetly when in real I wanted to swear.

" Connect me to my boyfriend." Came a squeaky voice and I rolled my eyes.
Just Another David Faverly fan girl!

" I'm sorry ma'am but we don't have any 'my boyfriend working here." I said sarcastically wanting to laugh.

" Stop acting over smart, do you know who the fuck you're talking to?" She screeched.

" No ma'am we don't have the number saved." I said honestly.

" What!" She screeched and I put the phone away from my ear, " I'm Sandra Fox and I want to talk to my boyfriend now!"

Ohhh it was the Sandra Fox , Daughter Of Flyn Fox.I huffed at her and muted the call. A dramatic bitch just like her fathers news channel, FoX tv. I huffed and cut the call, no time for unnecessary  drama

David was dating her before he left for Dubai and then they broke up. The woman was cheating on him with other rich men. It was hilarious because she was fucking men who were not in David's circle thinking he wouldn't know, but she forgot she was playing with Lucifer himself.

My alarm went off and I stood up walking to David,

" Boss it's time to go for lunch  with the Carters."
He looked at the clock behind my head before he nodded. He wore his black suit jacket and I surveyed his outfit, not bad, he looked good wearing Gucci though it was tighter around his arms.

" You've been working on your biceps." I told him as we stood in the silent elevator.

" Is it the exercise or all those lame shakes you're drinking?" I asked. Obviously he ignored me and just looked ahead at the walls of the elevator.

I wanted to tell him,
David the wall's not talking to you, I am
But obviously I didn't. Because whilst we had a deal between the both of us, we also knew not to pry too much. And so like a sore loser I also folded my arms and stared at the boring gold elevators.

Mr.Carl opened the door to David's Audi and I greeted him by giving him a side hug. The fifty year old was a serious man who tolerated my crazy self without judging. Heck once when I vomited in David's new car, he didn't tell David and since then he earned himself a green tick.

" The Carter brothers want to congratulate you on the restaurant chain and they want to discuss more changes to bring in." I told David summarising what the meeting was going to be about.

Mr. Carl drove us to the Faverly Restaurant and I mentally squealed. Today was a Wednesday and the Chef was going to make special chicken mayo rolls. I had called him and after much convincing he agreed. We entered the private restaurant and whilst David went to sit on the only table of the restaurant, I went to meet my best friend, Sasha.

" Hey Sash." I said when I saw her cutting lettuce. She looked at me before she got back to doing her work.

" Bitch you can't just ignore me." I told her hugging her tightly from behind.

" Damn if I didn't know you two, I'd think you were lesbians." Nick commented and I gave him the middle finger, making him chuckle.

" What crawled up your ass?" I asked Sasha as I sat on top of the counter top. She still ignored me and I looked at Nick who pointed to a stressed out Chef.

" Chef Frankie!" I said jumping off the counter top. He glared at me and I laughed. He was trying to cut the salmon fish for David properly but I was being a pest and annoying him.

I walked out to the dining area and saw the Carter twins and David talking amongst themselves. I cringed and sat on my seat. I tried to blend in with the three friends but no chance. It was going to be a long lunch full of excessive testosterone and arrogance.


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