Rude. (Steve/OC)

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Okay, I recently heard the song 'Rude' by Magic, and it gave me the idea for this one-shot...
Hope you enjoy :)


"Sir, Captain Rogers is here."

"Rogers?" Tony Stark lifted his head from his work "I don't remember him saying he was coming round today?"

"He didn't Sir. This seems to be a spontaneous visit; there was nothing on your schedule." The A.I replied.

Stark quirked an eyebrow "Ok, Let him in J."

Steve jogged down the stairs into Tony's lab; walking quietly over to the billionare, who was working away on what seemed to be some new Iron Man tech.

"Capsicle!" Tony grinned, hearing Steve's heavy footsteps grow closer "What brings your heavy ass super soldier feet into my lab?".

Steve smiled slightly at Tony's words "Uh... I wanted to ask you something."


"Uh..." Tony noticed Steve's shoulders rise as he tensed "I figured since Howard isn't around anymore, you'd be the guy I'd need to... ask... for, uh-"

Tony sighed "Spit it out bubble-butt, Im getting bored..."

Things were never easy when it came to Tony Stark; Steve decided just to come out with it. "Tony, I want to ask your permission."


"To ask Liz to marry me... but it's tradition to get the father's blessing right? But Howard's not here. Your all she has..."

Steve watched Tony's head turn slightly; he knew he had his full attention now. Tony pushed against the worktop infront of him so that his chair swivelled to face Steve.
"You wanna ask her to marry you?"

"Of course." Steve nodded "I love her Tony."

Tony made a mock noise of disgust "Listen Cap, you know I've barely even accepted the fact that you two are together; Ive tried to stay out of Lizzie's buisness as much as possible because I dont agree with whatever you two have going on. Im sorry, but I cant give you my blessing..."

"Tony please." Steve pleaded "I dont understand? It breaks her heart that you don't approve of the fact that me and her together, I know she won't wanna walk down the aisle if your not there."

"Looks like she won't be walking down the aisle then doesn't it?"

"I dont get it?" Steve raised his voice "Why do you hate this so much! Your fine with me at work, but whenever it comes to Lizzie you just... Despise me!"

Tony swivelled back around to continue working "I'm her brother Cap, it's my job to hate whoever she dates."

"No it's not! What are you talking about? Stop making excuses, Stark! All yo-"

Tony interrupted Steve "You wanna know why Steve! You wanna know why I'm so against all this! Ok, fine!" He stood abruptedly and stepped closer to him "What happens when you two get married and live happily ever after, then oops! You dont age like a normal human fucking being... She's left all alone and old, with a broken heart because your still only half a decade older than you were twenty years ago. And what about if you two decide you want little mutant super soldier babies, do you know how dangerous that could be for Lizzy? She's the only family I have Steve, and I'm all she's got; you said it yourself earlier; I want to make sure that she's happy, But no one seems to understand that! Even Pepper won't speak to me because she thinks I'm being all 'Big Bad Wolf' about you two..."

Steve just stood stifly listening to Tony's speech; waiting for him to finish. "Tony..." He started "I-"

"-Forget it, Cap." Tony began walking back to his seat "Your not marrying Lizzie..."

"What?" A female voice spoke from the doorway.

Both the males turned their head to see Elizebeth Stark stood slack jawed staring at both of them with a confused expression.
She turned her gaze solely to Steve "You were going to propose to me?".

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