Steve thought. (Steve Rogers/OC) - Requested.

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Elli walked out of the tower elevator, her high ponytail bouncing behind her as she stepped.

"You coming to the party tonight El?" Tony asked from across the room.

Steve watched as her slender legs ground to a halt, her attention focusing on the billionaire.

"Of course!" She answered with a smile.

Steve thought the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled was adorable.

His mouth invoulintarily curled into a warm grin as he admired her from his seat on the couch. It wasnt until she noticed his strong gaze that his expression turned nonchallant, quickly looking down at the file in his hand, hoping she hadnt noticed. He glanced up once more to see her smiling back at him.

Clint stood opposite the pair with an eyebrow raised, gesturing to Tony that he should check out their awkward exchange. Tony studied the pair, laughing silently and shaking his head, before going back to meddling with the guest list for his get-together.


Later that night, with people, agents, and buisness associates pouring into Stark's Tower, it was time for the Avengers to make an appearance. Steve stood idly in one of the hallway's waiting for Tony, as he waited patiently he had time to over hear Clint and Eli in the room behind him.

"Clint will you zip me up? I can't get the damn thing to work." She grumbled.

"Come here, woman." Clint replied. "You look stunning."

"Thankyou Clinty, and you look very handsome in your suit." She complimented back "Even if you still havent worked out how to use a tie properly."


Steve thought Clint hated that nickname.

"Listen, if I wanted to strangle myself, I would... I don't need this damn thing suffocating my neck."

"Then take it off, but undo a couple of your shirt buttons so it doesn't look stupid." She advised.

Tony's door then opened infront of him, "Okay cap, Im ready." and the two of them decended to the elevator.

"Now remember." Tony spoke playfully "This is my party, I put alot of work into this... You gotta make me look good infront of all those uptight media guys."

Steve sighed, mentally rolling his eyes. He entered the room of people, mingling and drinking, finally finding a comfortable spot next to Thor at the bar. The two men chatted about their contrasting lives and the fate of Loki, before moving onto a lighter subject, like the way Bruce always became flustered and stuttery around Natasha.

Whilst still in conversation with his fellow Avenger, Steve glanced around the room. He saw the elevator open, and Elli stepped out.

Steve thought she looked utterly breathtaking.

She was wrapped in a navy blue dress, it hugging her hips and curves all the way to her chest, hanging more loosely around her legs. She had a simple black clutch that matched her shoes, and her hair was a mess of loose curls, cascading over her shoulder.

And there was Clint... Over her shoulder. Steve watched as the archer trailed closely behind her as they made their way across the room, his head always staying in plain sight above Eli's left shoulder.

He wanted to go talk to her, say hello, and ask how she was. He waited all night for his oppertunity, but Clint followed her around like a shadow, never leaving her once. Steve wasn't sure what this feeling was, but whatever it was, it was turning his stomach inside out. Was he jelous? Of course not. Its not like Eli was ever interested in him anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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