Room for a little one? (Steve/OC)

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Ok, so this is a character fic. Just a little fluffy one-shot about Steve Rogers - enjoy! :) xoxo


Steve Rogers navigated through the dimly lit hallway of his suburban home. Gently tucking his shield away in a nearby cubbyhole, he proceeded up the stairs.

On his way to the bedroom he heard the gentle murmur of his newborn son, James. He quickly checked his room to find the child soundly asleep. Steve smiled to himself and exited the room.

Entering his own bedroom, Steve pulled his shirt from over his head and slid into bed next to his wife.

"Char?" he whispered snaking an arm around her waist "You awake?"

Charlotte stirred and turned in his arms to face him. She buried her head in his chest and hummed "Daddy's home..."

Steve chuckled "Have you had a hard time with him?"

"He's just so restless!" she exclaimed "I suppose we can't expect any less, he's only a few weeks old..."

Steve kissed her temple "It'll get easier. We've done it before, we're more prepared this time."

Charlotte nodded "Yeah, and don't think I'm doing it again... Two is enough." she warned

"You said that last time." Steve raised an eyebrow "Yet, here we are..."

"But I mean it this time."

"We'll see..." he smiled.

The pair drifted off into a much needed sleep, before being rudely awakened the sound of James' cries. Charlotte moved to get out of bed, before Steve pulled her gently back down to the mattress.

"Let me go."

"Are you sure?" She replied sleepily

"Of course."  He kissed her "I've not been here all weekend, it's my turn." 

Steve padded through to James' room and cautiosuly lifted the squirming toddler from his crib,

"Hey little guy... Shh, now." He hushed "You miss me, buddy?"

He rocked his son back and forth in his arms until the tiny newborn was fast asleep, nestled close to Steve's chest.


Steve heard a small voice call from behind him, he turned. "Hey, sweety. How's my favourite little princess?"

His daughter tiptoed forward to hug his knee's "I missed you, Daddy."

Steve was careful to hold James in one arm, as he hugged his daughter with the other. "I missed you too Katie-Cat." He furrowed his brow "You should be in bed at this time, Honey. Did james wake you up?"

Katie shook her head "I heard beastie's in my room..." She looked up at him with wide eyes "Get them away."

Steve couldnt help but curve his lips at one side. The fact that his little girl was so convinced there were 'beasties' in her room made him grin everytime she asked him to 'get them away'. Steve just enjoyed the fact that he'd fought assasin's, and monsters, alien's from outer space but whenever he returned home his biggest challenge was defeating the imaginary beastie's in his daughters closet.


Charlotte woke up the next morning to find herself alone in bed. She walked sleepily out into the hallway; seeing her daughters bedroom door wide open, she went to investigate.

As soon as she enetered the room, she broke out in a beaming grin. Her husband was sound asleep on their daughters tiny bed. He had Katie to one side of him, and James protectively held to his chest on the other side of the bed.

Steve slowly opened his eyes to see Charlotte stood in the doorway, her arms crossed.

"Its sleepy buisness getting away the beastie's you know..." He yawned

"I can imagine" She smirked before crossing the room to lay on the bed between Steve's legs "Room for a little one?"

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