She seems your type. (Chris/OC)

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AN: This is originally from my story 'Memoirs of a Make-up artist', which I'm thinking of deleting. I orginially wrote this as a one shot anyway so I decided to upload it here too :)

Hope you enjoy!


"Put your tongue back in your mouth, Evans..."

Chris looked up at Robert confused "What are you talking about?"

"Im talking about you drooling all over that stylist like she's a chew toy!"

Chris raised an eyebrow "Your crazy!"

Robert laughed "Come on Chris! Your young and handsome, why shouldn't you bang the hot stylist!" He turned to Tom "Hiddles, you got my back right?"

Tom shrugged "She does seem your type Chris..."

Chris furrowed his brow "What's that supposed to mean?"

Robert smiled "Tall..."

Tom joined in "Brunette..."

Robert nodded "Junk in the trunk..."

Chris raised his hands in defeat "Ok, ok... Let's just stop there shall we!" He sighed "Leeettsss drop it."

They sat there in silence for a few moments. Chris' eyes continuing to follow her around like a puppy on heat,

Finally Robert broke the silence with a heavy sigh, he pointed at the stylist "Are you gonna go fetch, or do I have to do it for you!"

Chris looked up at him incredulously "Your kidding right..."

Robert let out a final exasperated breath before getting up and striding over to the stylist, leaving Chris frustratingly running his hand through his hair.

Chris watched as Robert stood chatting with her. She had long dark brunette locks that were neatly tied in a ponytail at the back of her head. She was dressed nicely, but professional in a smart blouse, light blue skinny jeans and small red heels that matched the colour of her shirt.

Chris couldn't tell whether Robert had started talking about him yet, so he turned to Tom before Robert could make things any worse by looking over and pointing to him.

"He's pointing at me isn't he..."

Tom nodded "Afraid so Captain..." He giggled slightly

Chris winced "There not coming over are they?"

"No don't worry... I don't think Robert is that cruel!"


Robert stood across from the stylist "Ok... I need a Latte, A pen and a beautiful woman to talk to"

The women blushed, handing him his coffee and a ballpoint pen "Two out of three ain't bad..." She smiled

"What! Don't be so hard on yourself, miss?"

"Lucy" She smiled

"Lucy... and how old are you Lucy, If you don't mind me asking?" Robert asked, ripping a piece of paper from a notepad and writing down a number on it.

"I'm 21"

Robert's face suddenly dropped.

Lucy smiled awkwardly "That wasn't the answer you were expecting was it?"

Robert cleared his throat "Not really..." He grinned "Well, I was going to give you Mr Evans' number, over there" He pointed at Chris "But I fear you may be slightly out of his age range..."

One-shot Collection: Chris EvansDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora