Chapter 19

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(in case you haven't noticed... I'm obsessed with the Phantom of the Opera songs and just want to share them with my readers... they don't really have any connection to the chapter unless y'all can find some connection? but yea enjoy the amazing music as you read my horrible writing! :D)


I woke in the middle of the night -again- to harsh whispers, but this time it was only Kenneth whispering into his phone. "Dad, I told you! We will leave when she's ready." he harshly whispered back, sounding frustrated. 

There was silence before he sighed and spoke again, "She has a life here that she can't just pack up and leave in a day because I ask her to! And I wouldn't ask that of her, I already screwed up once, why am I going to risk making it worse to have her back home sooner than she's ready for?" he snapped back. 

"Kenneth?" I called softly, trying to get his attention. I had an idea what his Dad and him were talking about and I didn't want him whisper-screaming at his Dad over me. 

"Hey, Els," he whispered in a softer tone to me than how he spoke to his Dad. "I'm sorry for waking you up. I was just discussing some business with my Dad. I'll step out for just a second." he promised, setting his phone on the nightstand as he sat beside me, pulling the covers over me further as if he were tucking a child in for bed. "Go back to sleep, I'll be back when I'm done." he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"I'll wait up for you to come back, I don't want you staying up too long on the phone when you should be resting too." I whispered back, readjusting so that I wouldn't fall asleep easily while waiting for him. 

"You don't have to, baby. Just sleep. I promise I won't stay up too late. I just have to talk to my Dad, and the time difference and all." he whispered, but I knew he could talk to his dad later on in the day. 

"Go finish your phone call, Kenneth. I'll wait here until you come back to make sure you don't stay up to late." I reiterated, and when he was about to argue again, I shook my head. "I'm not changing my mind, so please do us both a favor and finish your call." I sighed, and watched as he sighed as well and nodded. 

"I'll be right back." he whispered and took his phone call outside. 

My plan worked, because in less than five minutes he returned with a soft smile on his face as he returned to bed, re-plugging in his phone before turning to me, opening his arms for me to curl into and be kept warm by his embrace. 

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" I gloated smugly as I curled into his chest, feeling his laughter vibrate through this chest on my cheek. 

"My Dad was very pleased with how you basically forced me to finish up the call like that." he chuckled, tightening his hold on me. "He said you reminded him of my Mom right then. She would stay up with him during late night calls also to make him feel bad for keeping her from resting, ultimately forcing him to hang up so she would rest." he explained, and I grinned. I guess great minds do think alike. "He said she was especially bad when pregnant with me." he added, and after a moment, he also added, "Please don't do that." making me laugh.

"Don't take extremely late phone calls and you won't have to worry." I promised, snuggling in and closing my eyes as I used his heart beat lull me to sleep. 

"I love you, Els." he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. 

"I love you too, Kenny." I whispered, making him chuckle as we fell asleep.


The next few days past in a blur. I would wake either to a snoring Kenneth, Jasper snapping a few pictures of us sleeping cuddled to each other, or alone as Kenneth took a morning shower. Once a hearty breakfast was scarfed down, we would go about the business for the day to bring us one or a few steps closer to me moving back to America. Some days were smoother than other. 

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