Chapter 11

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I woke up alone, and decided to just lay in bed for a few hours. That proved to be the worst idea ever, because I began thinking.

They were coming back... They were coming back for me and would go to drastic measures to get me and Kenneth apart...

The door lock turned and when I raised my head from the bed, I saw Kenneth come in. He closed and locked the door before turning to face the bed, where he found sulking around like a lazy butt.

"Hey, how long have you been up?" He asked coming to sit on his side while facing me.

"Just now." I lied and plopped my head back on the pillow facing away from him. He sighed that defeated sounding sigh, as if he were going to say something else, but I beat him to it. "What about you?"

"Long enough..." He said, but I knew he just didn't want me to know what he was up to.

I looked up to him. "Doing?"

I trusted him. I wasn't worried of him 'cheating' on me because anyone in they're right mind can tell that he could never intentionally hurt me. I wa worried he was up extremely trying to keep me safe by worrying and searching 24/7 for those people who sent that note. That's what I'm worried about...

He gave a short laugh. "Tell me how long you've really been up and I'll tell you what I've been up to this morning." He bargained, giving me one of those annoying "I-got-you" smirks.

I rolled my eyes and rested my hea on the pillow again. "Just a couple of hours." I grumbled lowly, but he still heard and gave me a disapproving look, preparing to chastise me, but I cut him off before he could. "Now, your turn." I said.

"No," he said pulled me to sit up, examining my face, pressing the back of his palm against my forehead, even bending my elbow back and forth a couple times. "Do you not feel good? Are any bones broken? Do you feel sick?" He asked in his worried rambling tone, making me roll my eyes.

I jerked my arm away and tangled my fingers in my knotted hair. "I'm fine, just terrified out of my mind that I'm going to be taken and killed! And scare that when I'm taken those psychos will kill the people who are trying to protect me!!!" I snapped then realized I'd snapped at Kenneth while he was trying to help me. I sighed, allowing the guilt to sink in. "I'm sorry,... I'm fine..." I said and stood to go to the restroom.

I closed and locked the door and leaned on it for support. It's not Kenneth's fault. I shouldn't have snapped at him like that.

The second I felt a fear fall, I rushed to the sink and scrubbed at my face, trying to rid my face of any evidence of crying.

There was knocking on the door and I knew who it was. With the water still running, I rested my hands on the sides of the sink and took deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

"I promise, I'm fine, Kenneth. I just need a minute." I called back but even I heard the tears in my voice. I cursed the entire situation and those people who had to ruin what me and Kenneth were slowly building.

"Ellie, open the door please?" Kenneth called but, even though he couldn't see me, I shook my head.

"I just need a minute, Kenneth. Please..." I cried and I could have sworn I heard the soft thud of his head resting on the door.

I let out a few silent cries, trying to get it all out so when I faced him, I could put on a strong façade.

After a few minutes, I stood from my crouched position and washed my face again. Dabbing it dry, I saw the swell in my eyes, but tried convincing myself it wasn't that noticeable. I took a deep breath and exited.

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