Chapter 17

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I sighed, slumping against the wall as I closed the door behind me and locked it back, turning to find Kenneth looking at me expectantly. I furrowed my eyebrows, not in the mood for this right now, "What?" I asked, walking past him and towards my bedroom to drop all my junk on the bed for when I feel more energized to move it, before going to collapse onto the couch.

Jasper gave me a confused look, checking his wrist watch before looking at me again. "Why are you back so early? Doesn't your shift end in three hours?" he asked, looking at me for an answer.

"Because fucking Briana told my stupid boss that I was late, when in reality I was five minutes early, and he took those two hours of me working my butt off to go through my file and realize that -had I really been late- that was, 'the last straw' and fired me after I got done working rush hour for them." I snapped irritably, covering my face with the pillow.

"You want me to go beat them all up, may tie Briana to a chair and let you have a go at her?" Jasper asked, sounding completely serious and I wouldn't doubt he was serious.

I gave a small laugh, "No, I just want to lay here and wallow before I have to go look for a new job." I sighed, curling up and looking at the tv to see he was watching some show on BBC. I took a closer look, then looked at him. "Are you watching Doctor Who?"

"Yes, yes I am. Do you have a problem with that my American friend?" he asked, daring me to challenge him.

I shook my head and found Kenneth giving me a worried look from the recliner. I sighed again, "I'm fine Kenneth. That bitch has been out to get me since I moved here. It's not like I didn't see it coming." I shrug and watch the screen.

"I want you to come back with me." He whispered, not looking away from me.

I look at him, then to Jasper. "Did you know this?" I asked Jasper, looking at him for a reaction.

He let out a sigh now, looking at me with an apologetic expression, "Ellie, he came all the way from America to find you. He searched high, low, left, right, and anywhere in between. He obviously loves you, and I can't let you throw your life away on horrible jobs with girls like Briana ruining your life here because you can't stand to be back home where he and his fake fiance are. If he didn't love you like you originally thought when you got here, why would he come all this way for you to at least listen to his side of the story?" Jasper explained, giving me a pleading look.

I sighed, looking at Jasper, "You just don't want to listen to me complain about you eating all the chocolate chip waffles anymore, that's all this is." I say, offering a small smile before turning back to Kenneth. "If I agreed, when would you be planning on us leaving?" I ask, scared he'd say tonight.

"Whenever you're ready. I can wait as long as you need. If you wanted to, we could get our own place here, and live here, just as long as you forgive me and give me one last chance, that's all I really need in life." he explained sitting at the edge of his seat as he waited for my reaction.

"Well, you did come all the way to London, England for me. I don't know how much bigger of an apology I could get." I laugh, looking at him and smiling. "Okay, I forgive you, but we have to build back up to what we had. I can't just trust you won't-" I didn't get to finish, because Kenneth was kneeling in front of me, nodding.

"I know, and I'm sorry, and I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust back. I promise." he said softly, pressing our foreheads together, smiling like the goofball he is.

I let out a laugh, and shook my head, pulling away, and glancing over to Jasper, who was clutching his chest and wiping fake tears away. "That was so beautiful. I love you guys." he gushed, coming over and engulfing us both in a tight hug, causing us all to burst into laughter.

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