Chapter 5

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I was petting the kitten we bought through the cage and the puppy was asleep in his cage the whole ride to Kenneth's house. "So, we have our puppy, Pilot," inspired by the book "Beastly" by Alex Flinn. "And our Kitten, Luna," inspired by the character from the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling.

I nodded turning in my seat in Kenneth's mustang, smiling. "Thank you." I said, smiling at him.

He glanced at me, a smile on his face too, before his eyes returned to the road. "So, so you think they will help you feel more comfortable at my parents house, until we move into our own?" He asked, glancing t me again.

My smile faltered a little. I had forgotten I was part of an arranged marriage for the last hour, but of course it returns. "I- I mean, I ... I guess... Maybe?... Uh..." I was nervous about it all going down hill.

What if it doesn't work out between us? What if I end up falling for him but he doesn't fall for me and ends up cheating on me for the rest of our marriage? What if he ends up killing me? What if-

"Hey," he soothed, a slight chuckle in his voice as he glanced at me. "It's not like we're getting married tomorrow! You have to turn at least 20 before I'll propose officially to you. So relax." he said, taking my hand in his, rubbing circles on the back of my palm. "Besides, I still plan on doing this right. We'll date first, then when the time's right, we'll get married. I know how weird this is for you, it's weird for me too. The only difference is I was raised told I didn't have to worry about looking for true love. She was found for me." he rambled on, never letting my hand go.

I kept a steady gaze on him, and gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you, for not rushing me into anything." I said and turned to face the road, before closing my eyes in content.


Kenneth shook me awake, "I would have carried you in, but I figured you wanted to be awake for when our new pets came home for the first time." he smiled as I nodded and stepped out.

I walked the dog in, his cage in my hand while he pulled the leash we bought. Kenneth carried the cat's cage in and set it down in his bedroom... or my bedroom... whatever...she was on my side of the bed since she's technically my cat. Pilot's bed in on Kenneth's side, but upon his entrance, he jumped onto the bed and plopped down on the foot of the bed, making me and Kenneth smile.

I opened Luna's cage and called for her to come out. She hesitantly walked out, but came straight to me. I lifted her in my arms and cooed at her size and big green eyes. She was a black and white cat, with only one white paw.

Pilot is a chocolate lab puppy, meaning he would grow to be a large dog. I was excited.

Kenneth came up to me and Luna, scratching her head and smiling down at me, a reminder of his height compared to mine. "They said to feed them twice a day. They fed them this morning so tonight we can feed them and start the cycle until the vet says to change it." Kenneth said softly.

I smiled down at Luna and nodded. I was always an animal lover and always wanted to keep the stray dogs and cats on the street. All my pets back home were my babies. Or as Baymax would call them, my "Furry Babies!"

I set Luna down on my pillow and watch her curl into a tiny ball. Pilot crawled over to her, still on his stomach, and sniffed her. She lifted her head and took a sniff of him as well, before laying her head back down, purring. Pilot licked her a couple of times before laying his head down, but still watching her.

I smiled up at Kenneth and found him grinning at the pair as well. I took his hand, seeming to shock him, before dragging him into his parents' living room and turning on Netflix.

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