26: Comfort Cuddles

Start from the beginning

"I think we should have three or four. Definitely not five. I would die if I had to raise five kids, they'd be so much work," I say. "What names do you like?"

"I like the names Griffin and Chloe," Alex tells me.

"Those are actually way cuter than I expected them to be. I like the sakes Finn, Reese, and Eloise," I tell him. "You've given this some thought, huh?"

Alex nods. "Ever since we started dating. I imagined myself marrying you and starting s family, even if we never worked out and it didn't happen. I wouldn't have started a relationship with you if I didn't see a future with you," he informs me.

"Wow. I love you so much," I say, pressing my forehead against his.

"I love you too," he whispers. "Are you feeling a little better now?"

I nod my head. "Definitely."

"Good, you deserve all the happiness in the world," Alex says.

Suddenly, I begin to recall what my mother told my yesterday.

Never dwell on the past... And the thing I want you to remember most is to not grieve for me for long. I want you to be happy, and not mourn me and stop living for life just because I died. After I die, I want you to continue to be the happy, fun-loving girl you are and continue to live your life.

I finally realize that my mom wouldn't want me sulking for days in my bed, crying about her. She'd want me to be happy and continue to live my life, but still not forgetting about her. She knows how much I love her, and I don't need to grieve for days and days to prove it to her. She way that I should prove that I love her is to take her advice and continue living my life as if she never left. I know she'd want me to do that.

"Come on, Alex. Let's go somewhere," I suddenly suggest, sitting up and pulling Alex up with me.

"Really? We don't have to go anywhere if you're still upset and want to stay," Alex tells me, concerned.

I shake my head. "I want to go around town. I want to go and visit the one place that I used to go with my mom, and point out to you around the places of my childhood. My mom wouldn't want me sitting and grieving her, I know she'd rather me be up and happy and continuing to live my life. She'd rather me be doing this, and I would too," I say and get off the bed. I throw on one of Alex's hoodies over my T-shirt and some flip flops, and Alex and I make our way out of the door.

No one is currently downstairs except for the twins, who are napping together on the couch. We quietly tip toe around them and out the door.

Alex and I begin to walk on the sidewalk, me leading the way since I know where we're going.

"So where are we going first?" Alex asks me, putting his hand into mine.

"My mom's favorite cafe," I tell him.

It's a decently short walk to the cafe, and we pass multiple things from my childhood as we walk there. I point out a couple things to Alex, like the candy shop I used to stop at everyday with my friends, the donut shop I had my first date at, and the store I got my first job at.

Something about the way that Alex smiled at me and seemed intrigued by everything I was saying made my heart melt. If I wasn't already drowning in my love for this boy, I definitely was now.

"This is it," I say as we turn the last corner and reach the small, cozy cafe.

Alex opens the door for me, and I smile and thank him as we walk in together.

We walk up to the order counter, and take a look at the menus. However, it's a waste of time for me to look, because I already know exactly what I'm going to order. My mom and I always used to get the same thing whenever we'd come here, and I planned to get that.

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